Chapter 1

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"We will be arriving in Sweden in five minutes so please fasten your seatbelts." The captain said as we all did what he said. I can't believe I'm finally going to Linköping, Sweden.

Five minutes later, the plane landed and we all exited the plane. I grabbed my bags and walk outside. Now to look for Catherine.

"Kat?" Someone said from behind me. I turned around and saw Cathrine. I smiled at her and we hugged each other.

"It's been so long. How have you been Kat?" Cathrine ask me as we let go. "Good. I've been working on my Swedish but I'm still learning." I say laughing. I noticed her necklace as it had caught my attention. It was an upside down cross with a G in the middle.

Catherine saw me looking and giggled. "This is a Grucifix Kat. I'm one of the sisters at the Clergy." She gasped and said,"You should join." I pointed at her Grucifix and said,"Do I get one of those?" She nodded and I agreed to join.

I'm very sorry that the first chapter is short. The next one will be longer.

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