Chapter Nine

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The next few days seemed to be quick flashes through time. I had learned practically everyone's name in FTA. I was immediately plugged into four of the school's clubs: Book Club, Drama, Astrology, and Art. I was beginning to get more comfortable in my current environment.

But most of all, I was strangely chipper about going to school. It meant that I'd be able to see the stunning green eyes of Natsu Dragneel.

An idiot could tell I had a thing for him, but then again, who didn't?

However, the childish pinkette seemed to drift farther and farther away from me as the week went on. Monday, we met, and he pretty much threw himself at me. Tuesday, he'd seen me in the hall and smiled with a playfully snide greeting. Wednesday, he sat next to me in Physics and barely spoke a word, yet kept his gaze on me. Thursday, he saw me and looked in the other direction. Friday, it was as if I didn't even exist. 

And each day, the dark circles under his eyes grew darker and darker, and his jaw clenched tighter and tighter. It was as if he wasn't getting any sleep and became intensely irritated as a result.

I wanted to ask him what was going on, but I had a feeling I wouldn't like the answer. Not with the frustration emanating from him. I couldn't put my finger on it. I mean, he practically wanted to be joined at the hip with me on the first day, and I know what I said about Fairy Tail couldn't have offended him that much... right? 

No way. He was fine the day after, like he'd totally blown over it. So, why was he avoiding me now?

The week was over, and I tried to focus on getting my homework done in advance. However, his face continued to haunt me, followed with waves of confusion and curiosity. I needed to get my mind off of it, so I text Jenny.

Me: Hey hey, watcha doin tmrrw

I placed my phone down, combing my hair and putting it into a messy bun for the night. My phone buzzed while I brushed my teeth.

Jen: Nothin much, wats up :3

Me: Wanna take that trip into town u talked about?

Before I could even put my phone down, it vibrated in my hand.

Jen: SURE LU! Lemme text Cece, idt shes doin anything either.

I smiled. A girl's night would definitely help me out. A few minutes after, Jenny replied and said that Cana was in. I went ahead and picked out an outfit for the next day: black denim overalls, a white graphic tee, and dark brown Timberlands.

Afterwards, I pulled on a V-neck and some gym shorts for bed, fishing for my laptop in my bookbag. My phone was dead, so I logged on to Instagram's website, seeing a few notifications: likes, follow requests, new posts, tags. I saw one new pic of my mom and Robin taking a selfie on the shoreline. I smiled and clicked the heart icon before searching FTA's hashtag.

Since prom was underway, there were a few posts asking for votes on certain people. Other posts ranged from prom-posals, marching band performances, and today's football game. Then there was one picture that caught my eye.

A charter bus full of basketball players on their way to Phoenix Mountain. They left right after school today and won't be back until next Monday. I remembered Natsu asking Cana for a permission slip. He would be gone this coming week. I sighed, logging off and closing my laptop.

I turned off my lamp, and covered myself with my bed comforter.


Just like my first school week, the weekend flew by in an instant. Though my Saturday with my friends was loads of fun, it couldn't shake my current dilemma away as I walked through the academy doors.

The school was hyped about our win against Sabortooth High in Friday's football game, and it was the talk of the shithole for the rest of the week. I started becoming okay with Natsu's absence by Wednesday, and I could focus more on my real friends. Levy continued to talk to me despite her brother's unusual behavior. I was tempted to ask her about it, but went against the idea so as to not cause any unnecessary issues.

Loke and Makarov would come over a few days out of the week. The four-eyed lion and I would ride out into town, which I knew very well now thanks to my time with Jenny and Cana. My mom would text me every other day, making sure I was still alive and asking if I wanted to come home. I would reply with, "I haven't even been here for a even solid month, woman, calm your tater tots."

After-school programs made life 1,000,000x easier, and my Drama Instructor, Mr. Vijeeter Ecor, said that I should audition for next year's production line-up.

All in all, I've found myself pretty okay here in Magnolia, or at least to the point where I can grin and bear it.

The week after, we welcomed the basketball team back home. I drove to school in a loose black one-shoulder T-shirt, black holy jeans, and all-black converse. My hair was up in a messy ponytail, swinging back and forth as I walked under my umbrella towards the entrance doors.

"Hey, Miss Heartfilia." I heard a deep voice say. I turned and saw Coach Nab before smiling at the hefty man as he opened the door for me.

"How's it going, Coach? How was the trip?" I asked, and his eyes lightened up.

"Fantastic. We beat the Phoenixes thirty-five to sixty, and then went rock climbing at one of their summits." He chuckled in victory, and then sighed, "It's a shame our star athlete couldn't be there."

I looked up at him in confusion, "Who?"

"Natsu Dragneel. I'm sure you've heard of him. I'm surprised we dominated those jerks without him." He shook his head, and I stopped walking, "Well, I'll see you around, sweetheart."

I nodded, "Kay." I whispered, my eyes wide and squinted.

He... He should've been there. I saw him get that permission slip, and he seemed pretty keen on going...

But he wasn't there.

I pulled out my phone, searching the school's hashtag again and scrolling to find the bus picture. Once I did, I focused on it, and sure enough, Natsu was no where to be seen... So...

Why wasn't he at school last week? If he didn't go on the trip, where did he go? Why was I so deflated from the knowledge that he simply wasn't at school? I didn't know him from Adam, and yet there was a dull ache within me from the resolution. Did I like him that much, already?

As I thought that, a group of four walked passed by me: Levy, Erza, Gajeel, and Jellal...

No Natsu.

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