Chapter One

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"You call me if you wanna come home early. Okay, Angel?" My mother, Layla, said. I sighed, almost getting annoyed at her repeated statement.

"Okay, Mama, I know. Don't worry about it, it'll be... fun, I'm sure. I'll be back home as we planned." I smiled, knowing that I was not only lying to her but to myself.

But as the saying goes, the more lies you speak, the more truthful they become... right?

"Oh, come on, Luce." Layla exasperated, "You don't have to suffer on my account. If you want to come home, call me. You wouldn't be putting me or Robin through any inconven-"

"Mommy!" I exclaimed, interrupting her, "The train is about to leave. I am telling you for the last time, the only calls you'll get from me are daily updates. Okay? I'll be fine." She sighed in defeat, worry clear and evident on her face.

The train horn sounded as she hugged me, kissing my forehead, "I love you, Lucy."

"I love you more, Mama." I replied, kissing her cheek and grabbing my luggage, "Hurry up and catch your train. Tell Robin I said hey."

"I will, and tell Jude hello for me!" She shouted over the large crowd that separated us the farther I walked.

I smiled at her, waving a final goodbye before boarding the train for my dad's hometown, Magnolia.

When Layla was eighteen, fresh and in college, she met a man named Jude. He was a year older than her, and she claimed they fell deeply in love. Long story short, they got married once he turned twenty, and she was knocked up with me not long after.

However, the longer they were married, the harder it was to stand one another. She always said she didn't understand what happened or why it did, but she just couldn't take it anymore. She packed our stuff up, and sent Jude a thick packet of divorce papers after four years of marriage.

The two of us moved up to the warm and exciting Clovertown. The setting was drastically different from Magnolia, but Layla wanted to start a new.

Jude went on to become the police chief back in Magnolia. I would go and visit him for two weeks every summer, while Mom was out with a guy I was oblivious about. However, my visitation stopped when I hit high school. I just didn't have time for it, and over the summer I spent more time with my friends.

But then Mom announced she was in a serious relationship with a guy named Robin, some professional baseball player. Soon after, they were married. Due to his excessive traveling, she was unhappy and I felt like I was the one holding her back. I was right.

So, I told her I'd go stay with Jude for two months so she could be with Robin. It took some convincing, but soon she agreed to it, considering I was a fairly capable sixteen-year-old.

Yet no matter how many times I tell myself I'll be fine, I know I'm gonna suffer like hell until I get back home. Because the truth is I hate Magnolia. I was always bored there, and with Dad never really at the house due to work, I would stay that way. If I wanted to go somewhere, he'd either be too busy or too protective. The gloomy weather didn't help either. I swear the city was practically targeted by constant covers of clouds and rain.

I didn't want to go, but I knew it would've made my mother unhappy if I didn't. She's still young, and I didn't want her life to be completely over because of me.

So there I sat, looking out at the rapidly passing trees from the train that would take me to my father's.


I got off of the train, sleep still clinging to me from the long nap I took. I grabbed my luggage from the open cabinet over my seat, extending the handle so I could walk with it rolling on the floor.

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