Chapter 8

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After the moment with Nash yesterday, nothing exciting happened. By the time Skylynn woke up, Nash had already left. It was now Sunday, and Sky had her recital at 1. The Griers' were suppose to be back at 9pm tonight. Thank god, I don't think I can spend anymore time with Nash.

I woke up Skylynn at 10, because she would sleep until 2 if it was up to her. She still needed to get ready and eat. I decided today I would make her blueberry pancakes, since yesterday didn't work out well. I took her hand and went into the kitchen. When we got there, Nash and Cameron were sitting at the counter. I could feel the tension in the room, but Sky couldn't. "NASH! CAMERON! YOU ARE COMING RECITAL RIGHT!?" Skylynn yelled. "Of course we will be there Sky! I wouldn't miss it." Nash exclaimed and Cam nodded. "Hey, Sky why don't you go watch tv and call you when the pancakes are done." I reasoned. "OK!" she yelled are ran away. That girl has way to much energy in the morning, I thought t myself. After I knew Sky wasn't close enough to hear, I turned to Nash and Cameron. " Listen here!" they both turned towards me kind of scared. "If you don't come to Sky's recital, be prepared. You promised her and I'm not going to be the one to tell her how, you dumbasses can't keep a dumb promise." with that I turned around and made Sky pancakes. "Well I must go and get ready, see you guys later." Cameron got up and left. After a minute or two of awkward silence, Nash excused himself and went to his room. I called Sky in the kitchen and we ate her pancakes and drank chocolate milk. After we were finished eating, I took Sky upstairs to get ready. She had to wear a black leotard and a silver tutu with black ballet shoes. After she got ready I went and changed. I decided to wear a pair of black high wasted shorts with a pink top and some black flip flops. When I finished getting ready it was already noon and we had to be at the recital by 12:30. As I was leaving I yelled "NASH YOU HAVE AN HOUR TO BE AT HER RECITAL." I didn't wait for a response.

We arrived at exactly 12:30. I took Sky backstage before going to sit in the audience. I saved 2 seats for Cam and Nash. It was 1:00 and neither Nash or Cam were here. I was ready to kill both of them. After 2 minutes of debating how I would kill them, Cameron came running to his seat. "Bella im so sorry im late, there was a lot of traffic." he apologized. I sighed "You are fine, you are still earlier then Nash." it was 1:30 and Skylynn was about to go on in 10 minutes, and Nash still wasn't here. I was ready to kill him and I wouldn't regret one second of it. Nash never did show up but Sky did amazing during her recital. After it ended, she came running to us, and the first thing she said was "Where's Nash?" Cameron and I looked at each other and so neither of us could answer Cam asked her if she wanted to get ice cream and of course she said yes. She took Cameron's hand and ran to the cars. I was going to kill Nash when we got home.

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