Chapter 5

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Nash's POV

I knew the guys were going to ask millions of questions about why I have never mentioned Bella. I also knew Cameron thought she was pretty. Cameron is my best friend, I can tell when he likes someone before he tells me. Although, I don't know how I feel about. I know that Bella and I are no longer friends, and that is 100% my fault. I did have a good reason for doing it, even though I never told Bella why. I knew that if I had told her the real reason we stopped being friends, she would have told me she could handle it, but I knew Bella better then she knew herself. Bella wouldn't have been able to take that hate she would've received, she would've acted like she could just for me. At the time I thought it was the best thing, just stop talking to her, act like we were never friends. I knew it was hard for Bella, I knew I was the only person she had. She was never one to make friends, she liked to stay by herself. I still go back to our tree, sometimes when being vine famous is too much to handle that's where I go. I can think about Bella and the great memories we had. She hates me and I understand but sometimes I wish she fought. fought for our friendship. I wish she came storming into my house when I wouldn't respond and fought with me until I told her the real reason. But she never did and that hurt. it made me feel like she didn't care about our friendship. It wasn't until about 30 seconds ago did I realize she thought I didn't care, she thought the fame was the reason I stopped talking to her. I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes. it was then that I realized I'm going to have to fight to get Bella back. I  know its going to be hard but she's worth it.

It was then that I snapped out of my thoughts and realized everyone was staring at me. I was ready for the millions of questions that was about to come.  "How come you never mentioned her before?" Cam was the first to speak. So I told them everything, from when we became friends until the day I started acting like she was dead to me. "So basically you are saying you're in love with her." Matt said. i was frozen i never ever thought about even liking Bella let alone loving her. Although i wanted to deny it, i couldn't. If i did not only would i be  lying to myself but also my best friends.

Cameron's POV
After Nash told us everything about Bella i was mad. I was mad that he got to hold her when she was scared, mad that he betrayed her. Then when Matt said Nash was in love with her I was pissed. I know you are thinking Cam you just met Bella and all you did was introduce yourself. well have you ever heard of love at first sight. When Nash never answered, I knew he loved her. Even though, I should just let Nash have the girl i cant. what he did to her was unforgivable. All I have to do is get Bella to like me back before Nash comes in and steals her away. I just cant inform anyone of my plans because they will tell me leave her alone, and then Nash wouldn't let me get close enough to ever see her again. I didn't know if Bella would even forgive Nash let alone fall in love with him, but I wasn't going to take the chance. I don't care if I'm the bad guy of the situation.

Bella's POV

Putting Sky to sleep was a little harder then yesterday. Not only did she just eat ice cream, but she wanted to be with Nash and his friends. If things were different with Nash then maybe i would have let her stay up, but they aren't so here i am trying to put a 4 year old to bed. i decided that the best way to do that was read her a story and if that didn't work i would bribe her. I took her favorite horse book of the shelf in the room. After reading majority of the book, she had finally fallen asleep. As I turned around to leave sky's room, i couldn't believe who was in the doorway.



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