Chapter 3

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How I missed Andy! And he surprised me so romantically,because he had been in the city for a job thing.he snuck up behind me at the funeral and kissed my cheek! I was head over heels for Andy."hey munchkin! How are you? I was worried sick when I found out that your dad died!"

I stared at him. Is that honestly the best he's got. Cause MY FREAKIN DAD DIED! He should be able to make me feel and be like my shrink but no he just asks" Are you ok?"

Geez he could actually try to SOUND concerned.

I answer sarcastically " No! I'm fine."

He looks at me surprised" Wow your tougher than I thought cause i'd expect you to be balling right now but your fine so... Do you want to ditch this lame funeral since your not even sad and go to a party?"

Again I stare at him like he's Some alien. I WAS BEING SARCASTIC FOR POOP FREAKING SAKE!

" No thank you I was being sarcastic! And you should know me better than that and please leave!!'

" Look im sorry I didn't get the hint but please let's ditch this!"

" No this is my dad we are talking about! NOW LEAVE YOU BUTTHEAD!" I screamed angrily. How did I EVER think I was head over heels for that jerk!

Reluctantly he left.I am so full of emotions I feel like I could pop like a to full of air balloon. Ughh! I hate everyone right now! EVEN DAD! HOW COULD HE JUST DIE LIKE THAT! He's there one sec then... POOF...he's gone leaving a very confused,full of hate,troubled gal!

I feel a tap on my shoulder. Who would be dumb enough to touch me when I have the worst scowl on my face and I'm really mad. They are basically asking for death!

I turn around. Of course it's Emmit.I never knew he could be so dumb! He tries signing to talk to me but suddenly stopps abruptly remembering that I can't understand him.I really need to learn to sign now that dads... Now that that dads died. Then he takes out a pen from his shirt pocket and writes this on his hand: who was that guy that kissed your cheek ?and why did you suddenly get mad at him? and why are you so mad?

I look at Emmit then at his hand. One and only one solitary thought crosses my mind... Why would Emmit of all people care about how I feel DEEP DEEP down inside?

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