Chapter 10- Telling Ty

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*Time Skip a Week*

We drive home, me thinking of how to tell Ty.  

"Biggums, You okay?" Jerome asks. I nod. He doesn't remember anything from that night. At all.  He sighs, knowing I'm lying. We pull into his driveway. I live next door, and Ty is meeting me at my house. I grab my stuff, say goodbye to Jerome and walk to my house. The moment I open the front door, Ty hugs me.

"Mitch! I missed you so much!" He says.

"Ty, we need to talk," I say, leading him to my room.

"What's up?" He asks.

"T-Ty. I-" I start, getting cut off by a phone call. It's Jerome.

"Hold on a sec babe." I say, meaning the word 'Babe'.I answer the phone call, walking into another room.


M-What's up?

J-I.....remember now...I'm so sorry

Shit. Well, at least he admitted it.

M- It's okay. It's not your fault, blame the beer. Not only that, it was good.

J- Thanks. So, have you told Ty yet? 

M- Not yet, I'm about to though.

J- Well, afterwards, if you guys are still together, call me. If not come over. 

M-Ok. Bye biggums. 

I hang up the call, putting my phone back into my pocket as I walk back to my room.

"While I was at Jerome's Aunt's house...Jerome and I went to a certain place..and...Ordered some drinks. We both got drunk and....did it. I'm so sorry Ty." I say, bringing tears to both of our eyes.

"You fucking dick. I can't believe I loved you. You go somewhere to help a friend, and come back telling me you fucked that friend. We're over Mitch." Ty replies, running out of my room. I run out as well, but instead of following, I do what Jerome told me. I go over to his house, to be immediately greeted by Jerome hugging me. 

"He-" I start, before the tears come. He pulls me in close, I resting my head on his shoulder as we just stand in the middle of the room hugging. I feel his shoulder getting wet, but he doesn't seem to mind. 

"Don't worry. I'm here for you Mitch." He tells me, making me smile. Well,at least one person loves me. I pull away from his hug, and smile.

"Jerome. Thanks for everything" I say.

"No problem." He replies, smiling back. Do I love him, or Ty? GAH EMOTIONS!!!!

~Author's Notes~

Two chapters in one day?!?! What? Yeah, I'm bored. Maybe a few more on the others stories. BAI!!

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