Serena's POV

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Out of nowhere all these policemen ambushed me, I had been edgy all day. I glared at one guy and he started crying, shooting himself through the head. I screamed, horrified. The rest of the policemen weren't much different, with their heartbreaking sobs filling the air and pounding their heads against objects. It was so terrifying I made a run for it, making it some distance before I collapsed on the ground, my hands still shaking as my mind processed what had happened. I did it. I killed those officers. I scream as loud as I can until I can't scream anymore. Then I hear twigs snap behind me. I turn around quickly, expecting to see one of the police officers. Instead, standing there in front of me is my sister. I was totally unprepared for this. I had rehearsed in my head what I would say if I ever saw her again, but nothing seemed like the right thing to say. Finally I say, "Come with me."

"What? You scare the crap out of me and mom, who by the way is still worried sick, and when I finally catch up with you what do you say? Come. With. Me."

"Look I'm sorry, alright? You don't know what it's like to be told that you were cursed because you're weak. So come with me if you want, but I'm not going back."

"I-- I'm sorry Rena. I shouldn't have just barged up on you like that. Maybe I will come with you." I smile despite what just happened. "Under certain conditions."

"Ugh alright, what are they?"

"Well," she begins, "For starters we are keeping in contact with mom. She deserves a call at least once a day, every day. Also if anything, anything at all, goes wrong, we are going straight home. No questions asked." I think the conditions over. "Oh and one more thing," she says, "Sisters stay together. At all times."

I smile and say, "Deal." We shake hands and I start walking, with Aline right behind me.

We don't stop until our legs are about to collapse on their own. I spot a nearby motel and we walk up to it. I say, "I don't have any money. How are we going to stay at a motel?"

"Let's just say," says Aline, "that babysitting those Parker brats paid off." She pulls out a gallon zip-lock bag full to the brim with cash.

"Oh my gosh Aline! How many times did you even go over there?"

"Too many. But it paid off, didn't it? We should have plenty for one night." We walk in a get a room. The woman behind the desk leads us to a penthouse on the top floor (which is technically only the third floor.) "Whoa. We got a really good deal. This has to be the biggest room they've got!"

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