Sisters of Emotion

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I didn't mean to put Kelly in the hospital. Or Ben. Or Alexis. Okay so maybe they deserved it, but I still don't think that my parents will be very happy. It all started when my sister, Aline and I turned eight years old.

It was my eighth birthday party. Aline's was the day before, but September 19th was all mine. There was a huge banner that read "Happy Birthday Serena!"  I had invited 6 of my closest friends, including Aline. She was basically my best friend at the time. Anyway, so at the party I had just finished opening presents when a nine year old boy named Jacob took my doll. Now I don't know if you remember being eight, but I want you to know that you do NOT take an eight year old's doll. I was so mad that for a second all I could see was a white light in my eyes. when I could see again, Jacob was laying on the ground mumbling something over and over. I couldn't make out what it was, but it scared the crap out of my eight year old self. All I remember about the few days after that is being asked a lot of questions by policemen and being told that Jacob would return to normal in a few months. I also remember talking to no one but Aline and the policemen. I didn't even talk to my parents for the few weeks after that, but eventually I realized that I had important stuff to tell "mommy."

Over the years it's just gotten worse. I'm thirteen now and I've caused three more "accidents." Kelly's appendix burst because I was aggravated with her. Ben's pinky finger got infected because he called me a brat. And Alexis broke her wrist because she went out with my crush. So basically you could say I'm not normal. Because I'm not. and I don't know why, but I'm going to find out.

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