So It Was Her...

347 11 3

Emma POV

I watched the guy named Nobunaga sprint into Chrollo's personal library and over to the window, he stared out and what he saw seemed to shock him. His eyes widened like saucers and his bi g ponytail swung. 'Boss you gotta come see this"" exclaimed nobunaga as he motioned for Chrollo to come over and see what was going on. And I hate being left out of the loop so I jetted over there too.

I looked out and down the window to see someone holding Phinxs by the throat around the neck in their hand! Oh jeez, he loked like he was being choked.

Chrollo shifted to drive, then Nobunaga, "Hey is that Phinx's girlfriend down there?" he asked, worriedly scratching his chin.

"Phinks is gay so no," sais nobunaga. "but that might be his sister. Maybe."

I shook my head and flipped my hair into his face causing him to cough. Then my hair and eyes began to turn green and glow Nobunagas hair started glowing green too. I couldn't just stand there and let a fellow troupe member die! Especially after all he;s done for me! HE drove me here from my house for crying out loud!!

"Emma!" Chrollo shorted, raising an arm out to stop me but it was too late because I alredy made Nobunaga get into sword position and destroy the glass window and then we both jumped out.

I looked up as I fell four stories to the ground. "Boss I gotta!" I screamed to Chrollo and I landed on the dirt floor. Suddenly I regretted my decision because I felt that familiar strong nen-like aura that I felt from that night at the farmer's market. It couldn't way...

The not-so-mysterious person turned to me. "Oh?" she hummed. Phinks body fell to the concrete ground with a loud thud. I cringed. "Emma Mimosa? Is that you?" She clenched her fists so tightly in her gloves I could feel it.

I furrowed my eyebrows, me and Nobunaga entered a serious sword fighting stance. "Oza..." my eyebrows were aglowin, I was ready to scuffle.

"Emma," She kicked Phinx to the side and smiled in anticipation kinda but she still looked super pissed. "I've been waiting so long for this."

I scratched my shin. "For what?"

"Revenge," she replied. "I'll kill you for everything you've done. For ruining my life." Oh great.

a/n: yeah

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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