Going to live with them

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Emma POV

I saw the car in the driveway and got in. Inside the car was 3 guys, a guy with gelled back hair and a coat with fur and no shirt (kinda hot since had abs hehe),  a really tall guy with yellow hair and no eyeborws, and a small guy with black hair covering his face and he looked emo.

I looked out the window as the driver, who was the guy with the yellow hair, drove away and looked at my mom. She looked sad but went back inside the house. "Mom!" I said.

"My name is Chrollo." said the guy with slicked back hair and a jacket with fur. "These are my friends named Phinx and Feitan." he said as he pointed to each guy.

I looked at Chrollo  and he buttoned up his jacket. "Okay, Hi Chrollo," i said with a blush on my face, "my name is Emma Mimosa."

"Okay Hello emma." Chrollo said with a smile. He seemed nice in my opinion. The short guy with black hair named Feitan was sitting next to me in the back seat of the car and the guy with yelloe hair named Phinx was driving and Chrollo sat in the fromt seat next to Phinx.

Feitan grabbed my hair in his hand "You have interesting colored hair..." he commented while blushing through his cloak. He held my hair for along time (i thought it was weird, since my hair is nothing 'special') until I moved his hand a way.

"Thanks feitan!" I said while grinning. Too bad he doesnt know nothing about my nen, it lets whoever touches my hair become under my control. Im a manipulator and my mom taught me everything I know about manipulation and how to use it against others.

"So Chrollo, why am I here with you and the friends?" I asked.

"Your mom owed me money and could either pay with her life or yours so she gave you to us." He replied while drinking water and looking right at me.

"Oh, I see." I replied. Maye now i'll be able to calm this place home?

The car stopped ,we were at the place we needed to be at. It was a abandonded building, This is a weird place for Chrollo and his friends to live at, I thought to myself. I wouldnt judge tho, since my mom and I didnt live at a house for a long time either when we were really poor. So maybe Chrollo and his friends are just really poor like my mom and me were, I thought.

We got out of the car and Phinks got my bag out of the car and dropped it in the abandoned building. Which wasnt really abandoned since there was furniture and rugs and chairs in there, but it looked that way on the outside.

"Wheres my room gonna be?" I asked, while yawning, since I was still really tired. It was probably 6:00 in the morninv now. I looked at my iPhone 6 plus screen and saw I was wrong, it was only 5:40am but I was still tired.

Chrollo looked around and almost shrugged. "I dont know yet sorry. I'll send some one to fetch you a room so hold on right there." He left me in the middle of the buikding with his friends Feitan and Phinks. But they left quickly so I was a lone again.

I sat on my bag and cried, I was always alnone. My mom worked long hours during the day and left me home alone all day, sometimes I would cry because I was so lonely. But I got used to being alone after a while and I learned to use nen and have fun by myself and with my friend Hailey sometimes if she would come over.

Chrollo came back, my brown eyes lit up when I saw him. "Chrollo! You came back" I said quietly hiding my excitement.

"Yes," Chrollo said picking up my bag and motioning for me to follow him. "One of my people found you a room to sleep in so we are going to find him then take you to your room."

"O-Okay!" I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. It was nice to not be a lone again. Especially with all these cute guys but i wasnt gonna tell them I thought they were cute, because that would make it awkward!

Chrollo took me through the halls of the building and stopped in front of a guy with a kiddy face. "Emma this is my friend Shalnark, he will lead you to your room" Chrollo said to me and left me with Shalnark. I could tell he was a manipulator too just by looking at him.

Shalnark smiled and picked up my bag. I smiled back awkwardly, he seemed suspicious, I thought to myself.

He led me to some place full of books, a private library of some kind, and said "This is your new room :)" and then Shalnark left. Boy was I tired! I got in the bed in the middle of the floor and fell back to sleep again.

a/n: yall are great, thanks for reading this, i love writing it c:

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