Band omen

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Emma POV

I turned my back on Illumi and turned to go address the situation that was Boss Chrollo. Suddenly out of the corner of my peripheral I saw the seemingly-unconsicous Illumi twitch slightly. "Ah shit!" I exclaimed in shock. I willed Feitain to draw his long knife and stab Illumi four times. He's gotta be dead now.

But Illumi blinked, and sputtered, "You may be able to inflict hurt upon my body, but you...cant stop what's coming...." He coughed up some blood or something. What a drama queen.

I haphazardly raise my foot above his diaphragm. As I prepare to stomp on his chest and kill him instantly in a fit of rage and annoyance, I feel hand grab my shoulder. "Emma hold off."

Chrollo POV

She turned back to me furiously, green irises glowing in rage. As respectfully as possible, she strained, "Why're you stopping me?" she looked pissed, which was really out of character for her. Perhaps it was a side effect of the fruit. Or maybe she just really wanted to kill Illumi but now is mad at me for stopping her. Either way I'm the boss, and she's gotta not do that.

I looked at her with security, then turned to the bruised and bloodied Illumi and inquired, "You said something was coming. What is it?" I stopped Emma from killing Illumi so I could ask. Perhaps this could give me some insight to what else was to be happening in the near future.

Illumi coughed a bit more for fifteen minutes straight, then wheezed "The one who...hired me to come and kill can't kill them...too powerful...and they're sending others after you..."he paused to hack up some more hair then continued, "but I won't...I wont tell you any more. You can't break my won't get another peep outta m...e..." He blinked again then wheezed. Boy was he in horrible shape.

Emma narrowed her eyes. "Then there's no point in leaving you alive. Can't have you runnin on bacc to tell the others about us eh?" She tried to drop her foot on his chest again but like before I stopped her.

"Wait a minute Emma." I shouted once more, almost certainly waking poor Kortopi. I know how much my boy needs his sleep. "Think about it. He's still of useful to us. Feitan can get the information we need out of him, I'm surely certain of it." I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, much more convincingly than the first time. It seemed to have worked one way or another, as Emma's eyes and hair stopped glowing and so did Feitan's hair; they were all back to normal.

Emma POV

I suddenly felt lighter and a bit more under control. I noticed Feitan had gone back to normal, and the mystery pickle man was bleeding out onto the roof.

"Yo Fei," Chrollo called out to Feitan while repositioning his broken arm in his sling. "Take him to your torture chamber. I need you to extract some info from him. And don't go easy on him, he has a high pain tolerance." Feitain nodded and dragged Illumi's body down the stairs, leaving a trail of grime in his wake.

Soon they were gone, and all that remained on this roof was me and Chrollo. Confused and awkwardly flustered, I turned to him and askedt "Hey what happened back there? I don't exactly rremember what happened."

Chrollo sighed, giving me a semi-conncerend look. Was he upset with me or something? I'd really like to know what it is I did so I can apologize to my boss properly! And also Feitan if I wronged him somehow. "Certainly," he responded, closing his pocket bible and placing it in his shirt pocket. "Le'ts reconvene in my personal library and I'll fill you in there." Chrollo set down the stairs and I followed close behind. Hopefully I could make some sense of this whole situation.

a/n: thanks for still reading this for whatever reasn

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