Chapter 10: Castle Storage

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When Steve woke up he was confused. Somewhere along the helicopter ride they had drugged him, and now he woke up with a pounding headache and a dry throat. Being a trained navy seal he knew how to ignore the desire for water, but an Advil he could do with.

He stood up and walked around his new holding area, the walls were bare and windowless and it had one door. The door was ridged, he was probably in a storage unit. Feeling on the walls he found a light switch, flicking it on he could see a faded logog on the door that said Castle Storage. So he knew where he was more or less, but how was he going to get that information to his team?


Crossing the airport was hard enough with all of the people, and being in such a hurry considering that the earliest flight to New York was leaving almost now. Danny, Doris, Kono, and Chin were all running to their plane as fast as they could.

“We’re not going to make it.” Kono said as they were still half the airport away from their gate.

“We have to, the next flight isn’t until tomorrow.” Doris didn’t break stride as they hurried.

“Then lets all shut up and run.” Danny said annoyed. They eventually made it to the gate and barely made it on the plane. Once they got situated they got to the game plan. “Alright so once we get to the New York some homicide detectives will be waiting to meet us. Talk is that they’re the best of the best so hopefully they can help us out.”

“Then what how are we even going to find him? I mean all we have is a city which happens to be one of the busiest cities in the world.” Kono said very non-optimistically.

“Well it’s more than we had yesterday, it’s more than we had an hour ago.” Doris grew quickly impatient, her worry overwhelming her.

“Yes it is.” Chin agreed. “And while we can’t do anything we should get some sleep while we can.” Everybody though that was the idea of the century before one by one they fell asleep.

Alright people if you guessed right you know what or shall I say whom is coming in the next chapter. And if you guessed Castle and Becket you guessed right. I didn't think it would go this way but what the hell? Also if you caught my Supernatural reference in there (it's kind of a hard one) let me know. The first one to get it I'll dedicate this chapter to.

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