Chapter 1: Early Morning Breakfast

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  • Dedicated to Hawaii Five-0 For Being a Awesome Show :{ )

One Week

Chapter 1: Early Morning Breakfast

The McGarrett House.

Steve McGarrett was had woke up early in the morning with Catherine Rollins in his arm. He smiled and rolled out of bed. He was wearing only his navy blue sweat pants leaving his chest exposed. Steve took one last look at Catherine before heading down stairs. He rummaged through his kitchen looking for anything that could be used for breakfast. When Catherine came behind Steve and wrapped him in a hug.

"Hey." He said turning around to look at her.

"Hey so any calls from work yet?"

"Not so far maybe I'll have the weekend off?" He smiled at her and pulled her in for a kiss. She pulled away smiling.

"We're never going to be able to eat a meal together are we?"

"Are you saying you wanna stop?"

"I never said that."

"Well it was implied."

"Oh just shut up." She said punching him playfully.

"So when are you being shipped out." Being a Naval Intelligence Officer meant being away allot, and Steve wasn't looking looking for her next deployment.

"Next week so we better make the most of this one." It was almost as though the universe had heard what she said and decided. Nope. McGarretts cell phone rang on the near by counter.

"At least the irony is not lost on us." He said picking up his phone.

"Answer it. Hopefully the case will be a short one." She knew how much the job meant to him.

"Only because you want me to." She punched him again causing him to smile that cocky smile of his. "McGarrett." He answered. After listening for a little while his smile faded away replaced with a cold look. "Yeah I'm on my way."

"What happened?" She has seen him called away on a case before but he never looked this upset.

"A cops been killed." He said running upstairs to get dressed. Catherine ran upstairs following him.

"Wait what?"

"They just found his body in a construction site not far from here." He pulled a plain light blue shirt on over his cargo pants. "Hey I've got to go but feel free to stay as long as you want." He said pulling her in for one last kiss before going back downstairs and out the door.


A Construction Site in Hale'iwa

Danny Williams squatted down to get a better look at the deceased cop. He couldn't help but think about his daughter Grace. He shook the thought away and tried to focus on the case.

"Hey Danny!" Called Steve walking towards him. "Ah Damn." He said looking at the body. The victim was shot once in the back of the head.

"Steve meet Matthew Jackmon been with the police for 10 years. He was killed by a single gun shot wound to the back of the head."

"Do we have any witnesses?"

"None that had announced themselves." Steve looked around the crime scene.

"There's isn't much blood here." In fact there wasn't any the ground was pretty much blood free.

"You think someone moved him?"

"Some certainly did move him." Dr. Max Bergman said walking towards them with a stretcher. "There's double levity meaning that the blood has settled twice."

"Do we know what kind of gun killed him?" Steve wondered.

"I can't be sure until we get it to forensics. But I'm pretty sure that it is a thirty-eight caliber."

"Okay Max call us when you have anything else." Danny said then turning his attention to Steve. "We should go back to the office Chin and Kono are waiting."


Okay that's my first chapter tell me how you guys liked it in the comments and I will try to get back to update at least once a week.

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