Chapter 4: The Crime Scene

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Yellow crime scene tape surrounded the immediate area. News vans all around reporting about a cop being kidnapped not long ago. Cops swarmed around asking witnesses all sorts of questions but the answers were all the same. They wore masks, They didn't know the listens plate number, and they didn't speak. So the only thing that the witnesses could agree on was that they all saw McGarrett through something just before he passed out. Which is what Danny was going to investigate.

"Danny what the hell happened?" Kono said walking towards them.

"I don't know Steve did what Steve does. He chased him down the fire escape and I went down the stairs. When I got to the street it was already going down I saw Steve through something that way so whatever it was it must be important." He said walking in the direction of Steve's finale act. As Chin caught up to them hanging up his phone.

"That was forensics they traced Steve's phone."

"And?" Danny said not stopping.

"They say it's right over there." He said pointing in the direction they were headed. They walked a bit further until they found his phone wrapped in a latex glove.

"How much you wanna bet this has Steve's kidnappers prints on it." He said pulling Steve's phone out of the glove. The phone was cracked and barely working.

"Do you think this has anything to do with the bomb we found in my car."

"That's to big of a coincidence to ignore it."

"Okay you guys go get this scanned. We shouldn't go anywhere alone until we know what's going on." She nodded and left with Chin.

"Excuse me Detective." A uniformed cop came over. "There's a woman here to see you she's pretty insistent." Danny looked over to the tape to see Catherine looking over at him annoyed they wouldn't let her pass the tape.

"Let her in." As soon as they did whe ran over to Danny.

"I heard on the news that Steve was abducted what happened?" She took in the crime scene no blood. Other then the blood coming from the dead body.

"I don't know we went to interview the suspect. He fled and Steve followed by the time I got here Larson was dead and Steve was gone."

"Do you know who took him?"

"No but we might have a print from this glove Steve left for us." He held up the evidence bag with a black latex glove in it. "Has Steve been acting weird lately been more paranoid then usual?"

"No he's been acting normal. As normal as Steve can be." She said brushing her hair back worriedly. "Do you have any idea who would want to abduct him?"

"Steve has alot of enemy's."

"So it could be anyone."

"Yeah it could."

"So who was this guy?" She motioned to the dead body on the street.

"His name was Jason Larson our number one suspect."

"What case was it?"

"Matt Jackmon the cop that was killed this morning. We talked to his wife and she said that he met with Larson just a hour before he died. We went to interview him before all of this happened."

"Do you think he was working with the men who took Steve?"

"Maybe we found a bomb under my car today. It was suppose to make us crash."

"Do you think that was from the kidnappers maybe?"

"Yeah I do."

"So what do we do now." She said hands on her hips.

"Now we find Steve." He said walking towards his car Catherine following.


When Steve woke up he had no idea where he was. He felt drowsy and sluggish like he was drugged then he remembered he was. Fight or flight mode kicked in. Since there was no one to fight he choose flight. To his surprise he wasn't restrained but his gun was gone. He walked around the cell he was in. It was more of a container than a cell. The only opening there in it was a small ventilation hole.

"Hello?" He yelled seeing if there was anyone there. No answer.

He walked closer to it to see if he could find out where he was. When he got close enough he could only see the open sea. Okay so that leaves pretty much the entire perimeter of the island. He thought as he heard a scrapping noise. Steve whipped around prepared for a fight only to realise that a cubby had slid open on what he thought was the door. A burner phone and a piece of notebook paper slid through the door and it closed quickly.

Hesitantly Steve walked towards the phone and page. He picked them up and flipped open the phone releasing a huge amount of light in the dark container. Then he read what was on the paper It was his ransom demand. His heart stopped a little from what they were asking. Steve dialed the first number that came to mind and listened. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. It wasn't until the forth ring when he picked up.

"Detective Danny Williams." He answered.

"Danny-" was all he was only thing he was able to say before he cut in.

"Steve where are you are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine as to the where am I part I don't really know." He said looking around for any signs that he was being watched. There was a small blinking red light in the corner of the compartment. "I'm being watched so I have to get to the point."

"What are you talking about Steve?"

"I have my ransom demand."


Another chapter down so anyways sorry it took so long. I had writers block and a sore thought so it hasn't been a fun week so far. That's all I wanted to say I can't be my sparkly self when I am sick. P.S. the episode of five-o from last week OMG I so hate WoFat so much I cannot contain it GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

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