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Just letting you all know that this  was the last chapter that I had pre-written so updates will most likely be less frequent from now on.

 Jason's point of view

I listened as Brom explained his theory of how Saphira's egg had come to Eragon. Brom said that he thought that her egg must have been taken from the Varden and that the one who was protecting it must have tried to send it to Brom with magic. Brom explained that since he hadn't received a message from the Varden he assumed that their messengers must have been captured by the Empire and the Ra'zac sent in their place. He said that the Ra'zac probably hadn't known about Eragon when they went to Carvahall they had found out when one of the villagers who never liked Eragon's family told them about Eragon finding the egg.

Brom explained that after they find and possibly kill the Ra'zac they would have to make a choice whether to join the Varden or not. He said that their only options after the Ra'zac were dead would be to flee to Surda, Join the Varden, or plead for the king's mercy. I already suspected what we would have to do when the time came. Brom also revealed that he had known Eragon's mother. I knew that I would have to tell the others about this conversation since I didn't know how much of it Annabeth already knew. I decided that when we stopped for the evening I would tell the others.

Piper's point of view

After they had stopped for the night I went with Eragon to search for water while Brom prepared a meal. I suspected that we would have found it faster if Percy had gone but the new riders had remained at the camp in case anything happened. Before long we reached a stream. while Eragon bent over to fill the waterskins. While he was doing that he must have seen something else because he suddenly looked at the opposite bank of the stream. He tried to jump across but he fell, as he landed I heard two cracking noises and then Eragon started cursing. So I turned and saw that his arm was bent at an awkward angle. I asked him "Are you alright?"

through the obvious pain that he was feeling he managed to say, "Broke my wrist."

I hurried back to him to help him up. When he was back on his feet he stared for a moment at a footprint that was in front of us. I asked him, "what is it?"

Eragon Replied, "urgals I will contact the others."

We headed back toward the camp where the others were waiting. Eragon pulled out a knife while I pulled out Katoptris, although I suspected that it would be useless against urgals or anyone else in Alegasia for that matter. For a while, the only weapon I had was my charmspeak. When we reached the camp Saphira's tail swung toward us. Eragon yelled: "Stop it's us!"

I assumed that Saphira must have spoken in Eragon's mind because next, he growled, "Oops!" he ran toward her, "You could have killed us! Where are Brom and the others?"

Saphira had her wings folded in front of her forming a barrier. Brom spoke from behind Saphira's wings, "I'm right here." "Tell your crazy dragon to release me she won't listen to me."

Eragon must have spoken to Saphira in his mind because she opened her wings and Brom walked out from behind them. At the same time the rest of the seven walked out from behind her, she must have placed herself in front of them to protect them as well. Eragon was saying, "we found an urgal footprint and it's fresh."

Brom immediately turned serious he said, "Saddle the Horses we are leaving."Brom put out the fire and then he noticed that Eragon hadn't moved so he asked him, "what's wrong with your arm?"

Eragon answered, "broke my wrist"

Brom cursed and saddled Eragon's horse for him and helped him onto the animal. He said to Eragon, "we will have to put a splint on your arm as soon as possible. Try not to move your wrist until then."

After he finished with Eragon Brom spoke again. He said, "for now we won't break into groups, we don't know how many Urgals there are so I believe that we should stay together for now." Saphira took off. 

I got on my horse and then we started riding. The horses were already tired but we pushed them on without respite. Percy was frowning, I suspected that it was partially because of our current situation, and partially because he had to listen to the horses complain about their aching hooves. A mile from the camp Brom halted and said, "listen."

We all heard the faint call of a hunting horn behind us and I knew that it definitely wasn't the hunters of Artemis. I have to admit I felt slightly nervous, now if we were caught we would be facing creatures we had never fought before.

Brom said, "they must have found where we were," "And probably Saphira's tracks." They will chase us now it's not in their nature to let prey escape."

That's when we heard two more horns. They were closer. Brom spoke again he said, "our only chance is to run." Brom looked toward the sky and his face blanked as he contacted Saphira. Saphira landed and then Brom said to Eragon "leave Cadoc, go with her you will be safer,"

Eragon protested "what about you and the others?"

Brom answered, "we'll be fine now go!"

Eragon didn't argue any further he climbed onto Saphira and they took off. The horns blared again closer this time making everyone nervous. we crashed through the underbrush pushing the horses to their limits. Every now and again my dress would snag on a bush, which only made me remember how much I hated dresses. I knew that I would have to tolerate them for a while longer though so I didn't bother complaining.

The horns blew in unison this time and then they went silent. Minutes passed I knew that we were all probably thinking the same thing, where are they? We began to slow down our mad dash to escape, thinking that the urgals may have given up. But then the horns blew again right behind us. We resumed our previous pace in an attempt to escape.

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