Chapter 10

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Eragon's point of view

After we left frank's ship I couldn't help but think of everything we had learned while talking to Frank and his friends. From what Annabeth had said it sounded like the lands where they had come were also fighting a war. More surprising still were Annabeth's dreams. If what she had seen was really going to happen, it meant that she and Percy would be riders. But what I couldn't understand was how they would get dragon eggs. As far as I knew there were no dragon eggs left. I had no idea where the dreams had taken place, I had never heard of any hollowed out mountains in Alegasia. The creatures she described must be urgals. But she had said that we were fighting with an army, and there were only two armies in Alegasia the king's army and the Varden. I knew that I would never willingly join the king so I assumed that we must be fighting with the Varden.

I realized that the Varden must be living underground with the dwarves. I wondered why Brom had kept all this from us or if Brom even knew this himself. After we returned to Joed's Brom spent the rest of the day teaching me how to read. After Brom had finished with me I went to tell Saphira about the day's events.

Once I told her everything that had happened when we went to frank's ship, Saphira thought for a moment and then said, "It seems that strange events are occurring,"

I replied, "Yes, Annabeth's dreams were what surprised me most; it looks like she and Percy will be riders but as far as I know there are no other eggs left."

Saphira replied, "Yes but I believe that we should wait and see what happens,"

I replied, "I plan on questioning Brom further when we leave Teirm. Maybe he will tell us more, I know that there is information that he isn't telling us."

Saphira Replied, "Be careful when you question him, you don't want to anger him too much. As much as I don't want to admit it we need him. You don't yet know enough. If and when we fight the ra'zac you wouldn't be able to defeat them on your own."

I said, "But I have you,"

Saphira replied, "Yes but even with the two of us if the ra'zac have flying steeds we would be hard pressed to defeat them,"

I couldn't help but be surprised that she had admitted something like that she normally wouldn't admit it if she wasn't strong enough to do something,"

We talked a while longer and then I had to leave to go back to Joed's house for the night. The next morning Brom left to purchase clothes for Frank and his friends so when they left Teirm they wouldn't attract attention.

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