Chapter 2 Eragon

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Eragon's point of view

I was frustrated that we hadn't caught up to the ra'zac, we had been following them since five days after they had destroyed my family's farm and killed my uncle Garrow. I only survived because  Saphira had taken me away from the farm and into the  The Spine before the ra'zac arrived at the farm. Now Brom and I were headed to the coastal city Teirm, where twe would go through the city's shipping records to try and find out where the ra'zac live. I was eager to see the city and the sea, since until I left Carvahall with Brom I had never traveled outsidemy home village.

I still wasn't  completely sure about Brom, he certainly seemed trustworthy but Brom had revealed to me that he was more than just a storyteller. After I had killed the urgals in Yazuac  with magic Brom had revealed that he could use magic and he began teaching me how to use it and the wordsI needed to know ever since. I hoped that I would learn more about Brom in Teirm since we would be meeting Brom's old friend Jeod.

we were going to Teirm because earlier that day we had lost the ra'zac's trail. From examining where the tracks ended we determined that they must have taken off on some flying creature and flown away. After this I found a metal flask that contained a strange clear liquid when I poured a drop of the liquid onto my finger the liquid had burned it. When I showed the flask to Brom he told me that it was seithr oil the kind that I had found was often used for torture since it would burn through flesh but would leave anything else such as wood or metal undamaged. The oil came in two forms the dangerous kind that I  had found and the normal kind that doesn't burn you.  Brom also told me that jewellers use the normal kind to preserve pearls.

In order to get to Teirm we have to travel southwest until we reach a pass through the spine. From the pass we would travel along the coast until we reach Teirm. While we were traveling the next day, I asked Brom about the sea. Brom told me a little and then translated one of the elves songs about the sea for me so I could understand it since I didn't know enough of the ancient language words to understand it. We reached the mountains later that day I was pleased to be near the mountains again I found it slightly comforting even if they weren't the ones near my home. As we traveled Brom continued to train me in the ancient language and how to care for Saphira and we would spar each night.

We continued to travel until we reached the pass and after some more travel, we exited the mountains. I noticed how wet the land was there. I asked Brom about it since it was winter and seeing the land so green seemed strange to me. Brom explained that the season is mild there due to mist and fog that come from the sea and keeps everything alive. Brom told me that we would have to be careful and use fake names while in Teirm. Brom suspected that the king already knew our real ones.

After two more days, we could see Teirm. The city was behind a white wall that was at least 100 feet tall and 30 feet thick. The wall had arrow slits and a walkway on top for soldiers and watchmen. Brom and I  got into Teirm without any trouble and went in search of Brom's old friend Jeod who might be able to help us with getting access to the shipping records. We found Jeod and he agreed to help us, but he suspected that we wouldn't be allowed to see the records due to certain laws that had been put in place. we would most likely have to break into the room where they are stored. The evening after we arrived in Teirm I admitted to Brom that I didn't know how to read since Garrow had never taught me or Roran, in fact, I hadn't even known that he could read.

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