Ways to Remove Dark Circles

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1. Tomatoes
Add tomato juice to the affected area.

2. Almond oil
Apply a little bit of almond oil on your dark circles.

3. Aloe Vera Gel
Apply the gel under your eyes and massage for a few seconds. Leave it on for 10-12 minutes. Clean with a list cotton pad:

4. Argan Oil
Apply the oil under the eyes using the ring finger or the pinky finger.  Tap lightly to enhance the absorption of the oil into the skin.

5. ACV
Dip the Q-tip in the ACV and apply under the eyes. Let it dry naturally.

6. Coconut Oil
Pat the oil on the skin under your eyes. Massage very gently in clockwise and anti-clockwise motions a few times. Leave it on overnight.

7. Castor Oil
Apply castor oil under the eyes and leave it on overnight

8. Cucumber
Cut the cucumber into thick slices and place them in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Take two slices and place them on the eyes, ensuring they completely cover the affected area. Leave them on for 10 minutes, and then wash your eyes with cold water.

9. Green Tea
Dip the tea bags in water and refrigerate them for a while. Place the cool tea bags over your eyes for about 15 minutes. Then, wash your face.

10. Grapeseed Oil
Gently apply the oil on the affected area and leave it on.

11. Rose Water

Take the cotton balls and soak them in rose water.

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