6 Tips for Frizzy Hair

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1. Keep the heat down on your styling tools
High heatings can cause you hair cuticles to swell, so best to keep it low.

2. Wash your hair less often
Washing too frequently strips hair of those oils, making it drier than the Mojave, which causes frizz. If you have naturally oily hair, use a dry shampoo to stretch the time between washes.

3. When washing hair, finish off with a deep conditioner
A deep conditioner seals the hair cuticle and prevents humidity from getting into the hair. More moisture = less frizz.

4. Use sulfate-free shampoos
Sulfates just dry the crap out of your strands, which causes hair to soak up the humidity in the air like a sponge. Instead, aim for shampoos that are high in glycerin and sulfate-free. Glycerin coats the hair with moisture from the inside out to block that outdoor moisture from getting in. Win-win!

5. Use products without alcohol
lcohol swells the hair cuticle (thus leading to frizz), so look for hair care and styling products that are labeled as alcohol-free.

6. Avoid the towel rub
Rubbing your hair dry with a towel causes unnecessary friction that's damaging to your hair. Instead, gently squeeze the water out with your hands and let your hair air dry.

- Buzzfeed

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