10 Ways to Use Virgin Coconut Oil

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1. Deep conditioning hair treatment
Apply coconut oil to your hair twice a week and leave it overnight. Rinse it out in the morning.

2. Facial Moisturizer
Just apply it to your face after cleansing

3. Weight Loss

4. Calorie Free Meals

5. Healing Sunburns

6. Substitute for Energy Drinks
Take 1 tbsp of coconut oil mixed with 1 tbsp of chia seeds. This is perfect for whenever you need a perk me up drink!

7. Faster Wound Recovery
Apply coconut oil on the wound regularly for several days to speed up the healing process

8. Treating Fungal Infections

9. Lightening Scars, Dark Spots and Stretch Marks 

10. Reducing Eye Bags and Dark Circles

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