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I hated you that day.

I waited for you but you never came.

I hated that I loved you so much.

That it had caused me so much pain.

I hated you because I thought you didn't love me back.

But you did.

You died doing it.

I hate that I hated you when you were dead.

I hate myself.

I hated the fact you were dead.

That I'll never see you again.

That you left me.

That I have to know a world without you.

But that hate no longer exists.

The day we met was special.

I didn't know it then, but it was the best day of my life.

I am so thankful that you wanted pizza that day.

I am thankful that I got to meet you,

See your wonderful smile.

Taste your wonderful lips.

Hear your wonderful voice.

I wish that you were with me when it had happened.

I would've held you.

In my arms, safe and sound.

Perhaps you wouldn't have been so scared
and alone.

I would've told you that I loved you.

We never got the opportunity to say it.

I was going to say it when you came over.

But you never did,
so I will say it now

I love you and I always will.

I will forever love you, Jeon Jungkook.

My Love,

my Kookie,

my light,

my happiness,

thank you for being in my life.

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