Chapter 16 - The Castle Are Under Attack!!!

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The fight between Tirza and Hella ended when Tirza suddenly laughed as soon as the sun was setting. Hella was confused. "Why are we stopping? Are you scared?" Tirza shake her head. "You'll know ... as soon as you're back to the castle." Hella suddenly grabbed Tirza by the neck and choked her. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Hella screamed. Tirza do nothing but laughed at how Hella reacted.

"By now, your precious queen probably being drag out to the open while Valika killed every single one of the Gavreau survivor INSIDE THE BUNKER!" Hella's hands were trembling with rage. "YOU CROSS THE LINE THIS TIME!" But before Hella could kill Tirza, someone took the liberty to shoot Hella's back with a rocket launcher. She released Tirza as the demon tried to regenerate her body. Hella watched as Helmine, the bitch who responsible for this helping Tirza up and smirked at her.

"Killing my mate is a no no!" Helmine swing a kick on Hella's head and stepped on it hard. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to be a good dominatrix when I'm dealing with Gisele." Hella can't moved her hands and her entire body whenever Helmine's feet on top of her head. She was wondering what kind of power does she has to do such thing to a demon. "Useless. Come on Tirza, let's get you to bed."

Hella watched as her enemy walked away from her. "What is going on my back! The regeneration should be complete by now!" She tried to reached for her back and was applaud when her bare back are all flesh and bones. She tried to searched for a debris of the launcher. She slammed her fist on the ground when she detected some magic. "Narcosis spell. NO!"

By now all she can think about was Gisele and the kids well being. She need to healed herself but doing so, it will get Satan attention and she and the whole islander will be in grave danger. "Gisele...... GISELEEEEE!" She cried.

Back in Gavreau Castle, Eris was fighting off the sudden swarming of vampires that trying to entered the royal bunkers. With Armina and Reina protecting the royal family, she has to make sure none of them even step a foot on the bunkers entrance. "You will not enter!" Eris transformed to her wolf form.

"What is going on?" Gisele asked while hugging her kids. Both Armina and Reina stand by, preparing themselves for battle. "You should go back." Armina warned her friend. "No way. I can still fight. Well, a little." Armina turned around to the queen who's calming the prince and princess. "We need to protect them while Helvisa out there." Reina nodded.

"Yea. She will be angry if something happen to the queen." The queen keep a close hold when they all heard explosion. "They're destroying the the castle." They heard soft sobbed coming from the princess. "Why are we being attack? Mommy I'm scared.." Armina was touched by how Loving Gisele are towards her kids. "We have... no.. I must protect them. Stay back Reina." Reina was confused. "But...." Armina snapped her head to her friend.

"STAY BACK!" Reina obliged and went to the queen as instructed. "They will do whatever it takes right?" Gaultier asked. "From this rate, my prince, there will kill themselves for your safety." Armina immediately summon her shield when the door literally exploded. A debris manage to penetrate the shield and hit Armina's head. "This puppy is one lost cause." Valika threw a badly injured and naked Eris on the floor. "What a pathetic little squad you have, Armina."

"I see you manage to come here, Valika Narcosis." Valika's hatred towards the witch didn't resolved years ago. "It's a miracle how you could evacuate the injured people from this bunker without us seeing you." Armina smirked. "A little power of invisibility never hurt anyone. I know someone of your calibre could easily noticed it just like that." Valika sighed.

"Unfortunately, I can't walk under the sun like I used to. I don't have the crystal." Armina laughed. "Oh yea. You actually letting yourself get caught in the hands of a wicked queen. How sad." Valika showed her palm and a ball of flame appeared on top of it. "You should stay silent if you want to live, you little witch." Armina showed her own palm and some kind of an electricity wave appeared on it as well.

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