Chapter 29 ❀ A hug

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It was absolutely astonishing how that one question could make the entire world go silent for just a split second— and then my ears started buzzing until that was all I could hear.

I breathlessly leaned forward. "What?"

"Ladies, is everything to your liking?"

I was too dumbfounded to acknowledge the presence of the waiter, but Helen immediately snapped out of it and looked up.

"Yes, it was delicious. But we're skipping dessert."

"As you wish." The waiter smiled politely at the both of us, probably wondering why I was still looking at Helen as if I'd just seen a ghost, and continued his way to another table.

I still wasn't moving, part of me wondering if this was some weird dream I was going to wake up from. I almost wanted her to be mad, or sad, or just anything that showed more emotion than the faint smile that was still plastered on her face.

I kissed her husband. We'd been friends for almost five years, and I kissed her husband.

But she just cleared her throat.

"So, I asked you a question. Are you in love with my husband?"

I was shaking my head as I leaned back, flabbergasted. "I— I don't—"

"The question is not that hard."

"I— no, I'm not in love with Colin. No." My cheeks were burning, but I leaned towards her across the table. "That was just the last question I was expecting. Helen, I tried to tell you before that I am sorry about this mess, I—"

"Good," she cut me off. "Then I can give you this."

I watched speechlessly as she opened up her purse and pulled a black envelope out of it. It took me a second to realize that she was actually handing it to me, but eventually I took it from her.

It was an invitation. To celebrate...

Five years of marriage.

"We were planning on waiting with the celebrations until the holidays," she said. "But it seemed more practical to do it now, since we're spending some time in Vancouver. I had time to make preparations and such, and family and friends are flying over from Ireland to stay with us for a while."

My gaze went back to the matte, black card, and my eyes detected the date of the party. August 19, which was only a few weeks from now.

And it wasn't just any party.

"A mask is required?" I looked up, still wide-eyed, my voice a lot softer than it normally was.

"Well, yes, it seemed kind of fun to do something a little bit different. And I've always wanted to throw a masquerade party, so this was actually a perfect excuse."

This didn't make sense. How did we go from her asking if I was in love with Colin to her inviting me for their party?

What kind of drugs was she on?

She must've seen the look on my face, because she sighed and put her hand on mine. "Jennifer, you've always been one of the people I trust most. And if you tell me that you're not in love with my husband, I believe you. We don't have to make this any more complicated than it is."

Too many thoughts were going through my mind to be able to form a coherent sentence to respond to that.

She put her hand on mine. Like I was the victim here, and not the other way around.

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