Chapter 18 ❀ Get to the point

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Colin and I looked at each other and my heart instantly started racing. We knew what this was about.

We all knew what this was about.

Eddy and Adam had been negotiating with ABC about their ideas for another season of the show for months now, and even though most of our contracts were already renewed, we hadn't been sure if we would ever get to go back to Vancouver to shoot. We knew Josh and Ginny were leaving, but that was already known since we started shooting season six.

The future of the show was something completely different.

When they initially told us about how they were going to "reset" the show, there had been mixed feelings. That was months ago, and you would think I'd had enough time to think about it by now, but a bazillion thoughts were still battling in my head as I slumped down next to Emilie.

Colin found a spot across from me, next to Sean, and Josh was the last one to join us. The sun was setting, a cool breeze blew my hair over my shoulder and I looked around at our little circle.

These were the people I'd spent the last six years of my life with, from the early hours of the morning until late at night. We'd been through all of our highs and lows together, and sometimes I felt like I knew them better than I knew myself.

My gaze traveled down to where he was sitting, and when his blue eyes met mine a shiver went through me.

I wasn't sure if I should prepare myself for a goodbye, but I did know that I wasn't ready to let this go yet.

"Okay, Adam, we're all here," Josh said.

None of us said a word when he held his phone in the middle of our circle. Emilie scooted a little closer to me; I looked at her and she smiled as she grabbed my hand.

"Okay. First of all: I'm sorry to disturb you during your vacation."

I smiled nervously. This was so Adam.

"But I promised you guys that I would let you know as soon as we got a definite answer about the future of the show."

My throat was getting dry. When I looked around I noticed I wasn't the only one; Jared looked paler than the day he broke his leg and Lana was biting here nails, something she only did when she was nervous.

"Maybe you should tell us when we get back from Hawaii," Josh grinned, leaning over his phone.

"Oh, hell to the no!" 

Jared jumped up as he said that, but he clearly forgot about his cast. When Colin pulled him back down he looked as though he was going to hit Josh in the face, and the sight of that made everyone laugh. Lana pulled him in for a hug, a gesture that ignited a reaction amongst all of us: we all scooted closer and grabbed the hand of the person next to us.

"Just kidding," Josh smirked. He looked around him with a teasing smile. "You guys ready?"

My gaze went to Colin, and one corner of my mouth went up when I noticed that he was already looking. His cheeks were bright red from the anticipation.

"Well... first I'd like to wish Jen a belated happy birthday," Adam said. "You're the best Emma Swan we could ever ask for."

I raised my eyebrows, not lifting my eyes form the sand and squeezing Emilie's hand. "Adam?"


"Can you just get to the point, please?"

Sean and Bobby snorted, but it worked.

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