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Bethany's POV-

*text message

Bethers💜: Wanna grab some tacos?

Con da bon😉: You know me so well.

It's been several weeks since

we started dating and our relationship is wonderful we went on group dates and had fun at the beach. Today, I needed to tell him something important so I told him to meet me at Taco Bell.

Once we order our tacos we sit in a booth in the back of the restaurant.

"So, my parents wanna have have dinner with you." I blurt out.

"Okay." he slowly says and sips his Arizona. Well that was easy. He places his hand on mine and we talk about random things.


"Okay guys get the plates! How is he lasagna?" I ask as I pace across the kitchen.

"Honey, calm down! Go change and relax." my mom said and kisses my head.

"Just don't embarrass me I really like him." I say before I leave the kitchen.

I run upstairs do a few touch ups to my makeup and change from my sweatpants to some nice leggings and oversized sweatshirt. I smile at the mirror and then I hear the doorbell.

"ILL GET IT!" I say and race downstairs.

Connor's POV-

I breathe in and out. It's going to be okay I'm just meeting her parents. No big deal right? I get into a nice button down shirt and pants. Before I go to her house I bring a small bouquet and chocolates.

Bethany's POV-

"CONNORRR!" I say as I pull him into a hug. He kisses me on the cheek and hands me a box of chocolates.

"Tony" my father says and shakes his hand.

"Hii Im Tammy." my mom says. Connor hugs her and gives her the flowers. "How sweet! you didn't have to bring anything."

"Mom, Dad, this is Connor. Connor Franta." I say.

"Okay then let's head to the dinner table shall we?"

"So Connor do you have a job? what's your parents job? are you a virgin?" my dad says and eyes him.

"DAD! Gosh, how many questions can you ask?" I interrupt.

"It's okay Beth, My job is on Youtube and I used to be a lifeguard." "My parents work as.....(idk so I don't wanna make something up)" "and yes I'm virgin." he answers the questions truthfully.

We eat and my dad and Connor talk about sports and college.

"Okay well Connor better go." I say.

"Thank you for coming Connor. Your are welcome anytime." my mom says and hugs Connor.

"You are a gentlemen Connor just don't hurt my baby girl or I will hurt you." my father says emotionless. Connor nods and shakes my fathers hand. he kisses me on the cheek and leaves.

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