Girls/ Guys Day

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Bethany's POV-

"Yesterday's bon fire was so much fun." I say into the phone explaining to Aria about the make out session and bon fire.

"Hey, we should go shopping today!" Aria says.

"Ooooh! Great idea!! And Briddy can drive us!" I say way too excitedly.

"Cool, pick me up at 12?" says Aria.

"Sure! BYEEEE!" I say. I should buy some new stuff and vlog! I can turn that into a new video!!

"Briddy! Can you take me and Aria to the mall at 12????" I yell.

"OKKKAYYYYY!" She yells back.

Connor's POV-

I should call Beth and hangout today! Nah, I'll make me seem clingy. I should go to the apple store and buy a new phone. Oh and I should buy Beth a present! My mind raced about ideas and stuff I should do.

"Hey wanna go to the mall guys?" I ask Kian, Ricky, and Jc.

"Don't you have make out session plans with Beth?" Ricky said laughing.

"Oh come on guys..." I say quietly.

"Sure I'll come." says Kian then the other guys agree.

Bethany's POV-

"So your dating Connor now?" Aria asks.

"Shhhh not too loud! Briddy doesn't know yet!" I reply.

"Fine, but you have to hook me up with JC." she says.

"Uhh, I'm not sure at the bon fire he was hanging out with Jenn. They might be a thing already." I respond trying to let her down easy. She frowned but then lit up again when she saw Brandy Melville.

We shopped and shopped and decided to eat at the food court. As I eat my I sandwich, out of the corner of my eye see Connor smashing his face against this flawless girl. He was literally 8 tables away. How could he not notice me? I tap on Aria's shoulder and point in that direction.

"Awh, honey, if you want I can beat the shit out of him!" Aria says.

I chuckle but start crying and run to bathroom. As I do, I heard a male voice call my name but kept running.

Connor's POV-

"What the heck Chloe?" I yell. "You know I have a girlfriend!"

"What? Don't tell me you didn't like it." Chloe says slyly and walks away. As she does, I see Bethany run away. She must have saw me. I run after her and called her name but she already ran into the bathroom. When I turn around there is a girl staring at me.

"How dare you hurt Beth? She's the most beautiful girl in the world and your cheating on her?" she retorts.

"W-W-Who are you?" I say knowing that it was risky to ask.

"Thats not important. The point is watch your back or I'll break your face." the girl says.

"Wait, if you know Beth then tell her I can explain." I say to her.

"Whatever." and she runs to the bathroom where Beth headed.

Bethany's POV-

I rinse my face realizing I smudged my mascara. Luckly, I keep one in my pocket. What? Don't judge me. I need it for times like this. Thats when Aria runs in.

"Hey, you okay?" she asks although its obvious that I'm not.

"Yeah." I say but my tear up again and cry into her shoulder. Aria brushes my hair.

"Well, um we should go back out there." Aria said. "Okay..." I mumble.

"Wait, before we go back out, uh Connor said he could explain and I told him I was going to break his face." Aria says. I laugh but frown again because Connor was waiting outside.

He runs up to me hugging me and Aria steps aside. I don't know what to do and I am confused because my "boyfriend" just cheated on me. I'm to scared too move so I just stand there. He lets go and hold both of my hands.

"I'm sorry. What just happened and what you saw wasn't real and it didn't mean anything." he says and pauses, "I love you and only you."

"Then what happened?" I mumbled.

"There is this girl that keeps asking me out and we used to go to the same school and I'm sorry." he says.

I start crying but I don't know if its tears of relief or sadness. Instead, he lifts my chin and kisses me. I kiss back but not like I ususally do. Its disgusting to think that another girl kissed his lips also.

When we pull apart he hugs me and says, "I'll never let you go."

Later after the emotional crisis. "Oh my gosh, I thought you left me!" Briddy yells.

"Uh, no we just uh ran into someone we knew and chatted too long." Aria lied. I just grabbed my purse and put on a fake smile.

Connor's POV-

After, I reasurred her nothing happened I went back to the food court.

"Dude, you messed up big time." Kian says.

I sigh, "Can we go home now?"


Ohhhhh! It just got real. But don't worry its gonna be there one week aniversary soon. Teehee :)

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