The best day ever <3

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Connor's POV-

Its been a week and I miss Beth so much. I feel bad about the mall situation and decided to text her.

*text message

Con da bon😉: Princess I miss you so much. Lets have our first real date this Friday night.

I waited about an hour until she responded.

Bethers💜: I miss you too. See you Friday Prince.

I seriously missed her like crazy. Hmmm how should I plan this date?


"So what are you going to wear?" Aria asked. She over for a little bit so we could talk.

"Oh I could wear this coral ponte dress with this denim jacket!" I say excitedly.

"What are you waiting for? Try it on!" Aria says.

I try it on and I look really good in it. Not to brag or anything. I put on my favorite Mac pinkish cream eyeshadow for my finishing touch.

"So what do you think?" I say walking out of the bathroom.

"Gorgeous!" Aria says jumping up and down then she stops and frowns, "I wish we could go on our first dates together."

"Oh, Aria, I'll ask Connor and we can set up try to set up a double date, kay?" I say trying to make her smile.

"Thanks Beth. But tonight is about you." Aria says smiling.

"Hey, uh beth, can I borrow your mascara and blush?" Briddy says.

"Sure" I go to the bathroom and grab the NYX mascara and blush.

"Thanks, and uh, going somewhere?" Briddy asks.

"Ummm...yeah." I say.

"Wheeereeee?" Briddy asks.

"Im going on a date..." I blurt out.

"OH I KNEW IT! ITS THAT CONNOR GUY ISNT IT?" Briddy says screaming.

"How do you know?!" I ask.

"I saw you go into his car on the night of the bon fire. I figure you weren't just friends." she tells me.

That explains why shes been so suspicious.

"Well, you have fun." Briddy says. I smile at my sister and put on some heels that weren't too tall,

"Girl, you are so ready." Aria says. I take a last look in the mirror before heading out.

"Mom, I'm going on a uh date." I confess.

At first she is surprised then she frowns then she smiles again. "Okay but be safe and be back by 11."

"Okay mom, I love you!" I say before leaving.

Connor's POV-

"Connor, you look nice. Going anywhere?" asks Ricky.

"Yeah, Beth and I are gonna go out." I respond.

"Okay be back by 11 mister!" Ricky says and we both start laughing.

I drive to Beth's house by 5'o clock. When she walks out she is stunning. I smile and open the car door for her as usual. When I get into the drivers side she kisses me on the cheek before I got to even say how great she looked.

"Well, you look great." I say.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." she responds.

"So where are we going?" she asks.

Cethany: Meant to beDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora