Alone Again

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Life sucks sometimes. Ok, that sounded a little depressing, but it's true.

My girlfriend broke up with me today. And no, just because I'm female does not mean I that I am going to mope at home eating ice cram, watching RomComs and crying endlessly. Im just not that kind of girl.

And at least he gave me a reason. Better than my last boyfriend who told me that I was "worthy of someone better". She's going through some shit, so I can completely understand why she did it.

But of course I'm upset, I loved her but that doesn't mean that I'm going to cry constantly but that does mean that I don't know how to act at school.

Do I talk to her? Talk to my friends about it? I want to, on both counts but I just don't know if I can. How? how can I speak to her without getting upset? How can I tell our friends?

I don't know what they'd say. I know that tomorrow I'm going to stay in the library. Not to avoid her but to give each of us space.

Personally I believe this is how I'm supposed to be. Alone. 'If you can't love yourself how do you expect someone else to' of however the saying goes.

I'll be fine. I know that our friendship won't be the same but as long as we are still friends that's all that matters right? I hope we can go back to the way we were, but I hope that we could stay like this, together. Unfortunately for me this is just something that happens in my life. People leave. It's the way of the world, my world at least.

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