What's Next

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I have so many exciting things to tell you. First, I've started posting a new story called Sick. It is an urban fantasy. Ivy, the main character, has been afflicted with a virus that has left her with a few allergies and changes in her diet. She enrolls in the first school to allow Sick to attend...and it's all downhill from there for her. My oldest daughters have been begging me to write them a story for a few years. This is the one I'm writing for them. Going to try my hardest to keep it clean, but...

But let's talk about Unfashionably Dead. I'm sure THAT is why you're really here, right? Over the weekend, I attended an editing session with Rachel Caine. Yes, that one. The one who wrote the Morganville Vampire series. The one who is the NYT Bestselling author. The one who has published FIFTY!!! novels. She is so incredibly nice. 

I'll admit I was more than a little nervous giving her my first chapter to edit. Okay, I was terrified. I honestly thought I would be responsible for her gouging out her eyes to avoid looking at my work for another second.

But it didn't quite go that way.

Now, keep in mind that the chapter I gave her to edit is NOT the first chapter that I have published here. I've rewritten it a couple of times. (And the first chapter I have here is not the original first chapter).

Anywho, she loved the story. One of my lines actually had her snorting her drink through her nose. She said it was delightful and fun...and that I effectively introduced Cheline's love interest/antagonist on the first page (Yep! Derek is there!) and that she has a good feeling about this. She also suggested I query her agent once the story is ready...she thinks I'm one draft away from it being publishable.

So...I'm going to be writing like crazy to finish that draft this summer. I am probably going to look for beta readers at some point in the future. If you're interested, please comment here or private message me. Heck, you can even follow my Facebook page which is https://www.facebook.com/MHermanWrites/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel 

And...I'm also going to be working on The Green Rising. I am currently in the process of splitting that baby into two books. 

As for a sequel to Unfashionably Dead, I have some ideas floating around my head. I have actually started a spin-off that is a sort of in-between story, but I want to see where the rewrite leaves me because there will be major changes to UD. My intention has always been to have a sequel to the story.

So if I'm not around much, it's because I'm writing. My dream is to be a published author. And I'm so close I can almost taste it.

Love to all of you. <3

Thank you.

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