Chapter Forty-three

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"It's loaded and ready to fire," Lanie says. She pulls the shotgun away from Tony and raises one hand in the air. "I'm just going to place it on the floor."

When she releases the rifle, Benitez says, "Get down on the ground. Slide the gun toward me."

Confusion crosses her face, but she complies with the officer's orders. He trains his gun on her.

He thinks she was trying to kill Tony!

Benitez's attention shifts to John, then back to Tony. "She killed him, Mr. Tibauld?"

Tony's eyes seem to dance. Lanie stares slack-jawed at Benitez.

"I found him outside like this. I brought him in to check on him and she pulled the gun on me. Think he's still breathing." Tony's eyes are cold, his voice is calm, and the lie rolls easily off his tongue.

Benitez gives a satisfactory harrumph.

Lanie trembles at his laughter, the same noise a cat would make after catching the proverbial canary. "Weston's lying. He attacked John and may have shot someone else. He also admitted to killing my friend Cheline and Margaret Bertwinkle."

Benitez looks from Tony to Lanie. The scar along his right cheek tightens as he purses his lips.

"He doesn't believe her," Margaret whispers.

"I don't understand why he won't even hear her out. Gosh, it seems like Lanie's damned regardless of what she does." Frustration fills my every word. How can this be a possibility?

Benitez smiles, but it does not reach his eyes. "An officer, Grant Smith, was shot outside, my guess by the same rifle that's now on the floor. I could shoot you here and now, and be hailed a hero for the rest of my life."

"But I didn't do it. Weston did." The color drains from her as reality sinks in. "You aren't going to interrogate him."

"All the evidence points to you." His voice is cold, calculating. "You're the one who was holding a gun to his head when I walked in. I can still see the barrel's impression."

Lanie shakes her head. "You need to arrest him. He's the one behind the murders at Palma D'Oro. And he's the one who attacked John and Officer Smith."

Tony slides his chair backward and rises from his seat. "Good luck with that."

"Why would I arrest the man who pays me twice my wages as a cop to keep him out of jail?" A full laugh reveals several silver-capped teeth at the back of his mouth.

Lanie seems to sink into the floor. Hayli stares incredulously at Benitez as Jose begins floating his coin toward the bad cop.

Hayli mutters, "That's probably why there are rules against interference. I just made it worse for her." She looks away from Lanie.

My attention follows her line of sight as she stares at the door.

"What do you think, boss?" Benitez takes a step toward Lanie.

Tony's lips press into a straight line. The room is completely silent as he considers his options. "I think it's time you get your hero badge, officer. Shoot her."

Benitez straightens his arm as Lanie lies helplessly on the floor. He flicks off the safety and takes aim.

Jose pings the coin at Benitez's forehead, Oliver somehow breathes enough wind to blow out the candles, and Lanie clambers to her knees.

When Tony turns on the chandelier, Lanie has rounded the table and is about three feet from the door. Benitez points the gun at her again. Lanie seems to debate for a split-second on what she should do, the path of her sight darting between the door and under the table.

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