Chapter Forty-four

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The nurses hum Christmas carols as they make their daily rounds. Most put on a happy face while they are with their patients, but with each other, they lament not being able to be with their loved ones until their shift is over.

"So there you are!" Margaret exclaims from the middle of the empty waiting room. She wears a smile on her face, like she had a really good time last night.

I wish I could wear the same smile. "Sorry I missed our meeting. I've been here all night."

"It's okay. Jose and Oliver told me about the reapers. Were you seriously going to set me up with a reaper?" She eyes me suspiciously.

"You're the one who wanted introduced to him. I merely agreed to it." And would've been pissed if he showed any interest in her, but that's a subject for another day.

"Hmmm. Well, he is a hottie, but the whole soul harvester thing gives me the heebiejeebies. I'll just stick to Oliver and Jose. They're more than enough for me."

I actually giggle.

"So, how's Lanie?" Her attention is on me. She seems genuinely concerned about my best friend's condition.

"She was released late last night. She'll need some physical therapy, but she should fully heal."

"How is she handling Adam's death?"

"Not well. She spent most of her time here crying her eyes out. I hated the guy, but he really loved her. I just wish he would've kept his pants zipped."

Margaret nods. "Well, I hope she'll move on. She deserves some happiness.

"So what are your plans for the day?"

She smiles. "I'm going to my dad's. I want to watch my brother and sister unwrap their presents. Also hoping Vanessa will choke on some of the hors d'oerves."

Some things never change. But at least she's going.

"Can we catch up later?" she asks.


She is gone as quickly as she came and Lanie walks onto the floor just a couple minutes later. Black circles ring her bloodshot eyes and dried tearstains glisten on her cheeks under the hospital's fluorescent lighting. In the crook of her uninjured arm is a vase of daisies, which jostles in her arm as she pushes the door to Grant's hospital room open. She sets the vase on the windowsill.

Grant opens his eyes. He is still pale, but the color is returning to his face slowly but surely. He smiles at Lanie.

She sighs and returns his smile. "Thank you for coming to rescue me...and for everything."

"You're welcome and thank you for the flowers. They're beautiful." He tries to sit up, but sinks back into the bed when it's clear he's too weak. "My nurse told me I was lucky to still be alive, that had I been brought in any later, my family would likely be planning my funeral today."

"I'm glad they got you here. Agent Garrett told me we only survived because of Adam." She shifts her attention away from him, clearly to hide the tears welling in her eyes.

"He didn't make it," Grant guesses. He reaches for her hand and gives it a squeeze. "I'm so sorry for your loss. You've lost a lot in the past week."

Lanie breaks down into tears. "Adam and I...oh, god. I loved that man and I'll probably regret leaving his condo every day for the rest of my life. He died trying to save me..." Her voice trails off as she becomes inconsolable.

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