part 16

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hello my beautiful purple unicorns!! Look at that, another update on your favourite packmom story! lol no xd. Sorry it's late AGAIN, I've been ill, and writing with a terrible headache and a fever never really works out xd. Anyway, read on and enjoy, my beautiful purple unicorns!! c:-

chapter 16

"What? Where?!" Stiles brought out, unconsciously clutching the two little boys he was carrying close. "The old bank. Probably the vault" Chris said quickly, and Stiles looked at Derek. "Derek, we have to go right now!" He said beggingly, and Derek looked at him sadly. "Babe, we can't do that, or at least you can't. Two of our four available pups are injured and Boyd isn't gonna leave Erica, even if you told him to. We don't have enough people, and I can't let anything happen to you" he explained, and Stiles looked at him sorrily. "Than I won't go! I have to take care of the pups anyway. And if Chris helps-" he started. "Stiles, we'd still be with too little people. Even if Chris'd want to help, I'd need at least one other werewolf to fight Deucalion while the humans free Deaton, and that's something I don't have" Derek interrupted, and the two toddlers on Stiles hips started to tear up. "But Derek!" Isaac said softly, and Stiles was about to say something when a familiar voice came from the hallway. "Well, I'd be glad to come to your aid once again and save your stupid little emmisary" Peter said, and Stiles spun around startledly once again, not knowing whether to hug or scold the man for entering the house without them knowing. Again. "Well. That might be a solution.. If you promise to keep to the plan" Derek said thoughtfully, and the toddlers faces lit up again and they looked up at Peters face hopefully while Stiles noticed the corner of Chris's mouth twitch, which he shrugged off. "Please Peter?" Jackson asked, and Stiles saw something dangerously close to a smile quiver around the corners of Peters mouth before the man put on his signature smirk again. "If it's a good plan, why the hell not" he said arrogantly, and Derek rolled his eyes with a chuckle before nodding. "Sure Peter. You're acting like a four year old though" he smirked, and Peter returned the gesture. "Well, I've still got something on all of you than. Exept maybe Stiles. Or Danny" he exclaimed sassily before walking over to Derek to make the plan, but right at that moment Jackson and Isaac began to squirm on Stiles's hip impatiently, so Stiles brought them to the living room together with a snack, and Allison followed him, because seemingly Scott had the same problem. Stiles put them all down with a little cup of pudding and a spoon, that should keep them busy for a while, and he asked Danny and Lydia to watch them while he and Allison returned to the kitchen where the three men standing there were already talking animatedly. "Are you insane? If we barge straight through that door we'll all be killed!" Chris exclaimed. "Oh really? What makes you think they're still there? What's the catch for them?!" Derek yelled back. Peter just stood there and smirked. "Chris is right Derek, although your lack of tact is highly amusing" he chuckled. "HEY!" Stiles bellowed over their heads, making their heads snap in his direction. "You're grown men, remember? Your little dominance games aren't important right now, and if they were I'd win anyway. So please get your priorities straight and your heads out of your asses, so you can GET SOMETHING DONE HERE!" Stiles yelled before calmly walking over to the counter to fix himself some coffee. Behind him, Peter chuckled obnoxiously. "Oh Talia would've loved him" he said amusedly, and Stiles could almost feel Dereks eyes roll in annoyance. "Everyone loves me" Stiles retorted sassily, making everyone in the room roll their eyes amusedly while Stiles just chuckled at them. "You know it's true"  he said, but noone got the chance to reply when a panicky Danny came in with Lydia right behind him. Said girl, whose yellow shirt was covered in something that looked suspiciously like chocolate pudding, didn't say anything and just sat down with an indignant look on her face, her arms crossed. "Stiles, they are having a food fight" Danny brought out, and Stiles mentally cringed while thinking of their beautiful cream-colored couches while nearly running into the living room to be met by a hysterically laughing Scott and Isaac and a wailing Jackson, all covered from head to toe in chocolate pudding. "Dèja vú" Stiles muttered to himself before pacing over to Jackson and picking the boy up, ignoring the guilty stares of the two others. "Hey bub, what happened?" Stiles asked while.rocking the boy to his chest, ignoring the brown substance covered his shirt as well. "They teased me because I can't walk" the boy cried, and Stiles threw an angry look in Isaacs and Scotts direction. "That's okay bub, Isaac can barely walk as well, and you'll learn, won't you honey?" He said soothingly, and the boys sobs got softer until the only thing left on Jacksons face was a glare to the two other toddlers who were just sitting on their bums staring at their pack mom. "And for the two of you, I'm really dissappointed in you. I'm gonna give Jackson a shower and put him to bed, afterwards I'll come talk to the two of you. I expect you to be able to behave until I get back. Am I clear?" Stiles asked sternly, and the two toddlers nodded. "Yes mommy" they answered timidly, and Stiles threw them one last look before walking upstairs with Jackson cuddled into his chest. When he sat the boy down on the bathroom floor to run him a bath, Jackson looked up at his pack mom with big eyes. "Mommy?" He asked softly, and Stiles turned around sith a little smile. "What is it pup?" He asked, and Jackson was fidgeting a little, looking both embarrassed and insecure. "Am I really stupid because I can't walk yet?" He asked softly, and Stiles cooed at him before picking him up to pull him close. "Oh puppy, of course not! Your body just isn't ready to walk yet, you can't help that! You shouldn't listen to what Scott and Isaac said, those were all nasty lies! Now let's get you in the tub, your all sticky" Stiles said reassuringly before quickly undressing the boy and placing him in the blueberry-scented bubble bath. He washed the little boy, and when he blew some bubbles in the toddlers face Jackson burst out in a fit of giggles. Soon enough the toddler began to yawn though, so Stiles got him out of the tub, dried him off and put him in a plain blue onesie. He then carried the boy to his crib where he lay him down next to a softly snoring Ethan before walking downstairs and repeating said procedure with the two other boys, although he decided to have a little talk with them. "So. Why did you two bully Jackson?" He asked sternly, and they both looked down at the purple bubbles. "I dunno" Scott mumbled, and Stiles raised an eyebrow at him. "Because we could" Isaac exclaimed, and Stiles threw an angry look in his direction. "Isaac Lahey. I thought you'd lost all your fake bravado about a month after you were turned. I'd really like an explanation for this young man" he told the boy, who just blushed a bright crimson. "Sorry mommy, it was just that.." Isaac started, but his voice died away. "What is it now?" Stiles asked, trying to keep up the 'angry mommy' thing, but miserably failing as always with Isaac. "Jackson was pushing him mom. Said that he was a pussy and couldn't do anything right. So we said that at least Isaac could walk" Scott explained quickly, and Stiles sighed while rubbing his temples. "Okay, I believe you. Next time Jackson or anyone else says something nasty though, you just call out for me, okay?" He asked, abd both toddlers nodded. "So you're not mad at us anymore?" Isaac asked carefully, and Stiles smiled. "Of course not silly. Who in the world could stay mad at you?" He teased while ruffling Isaacs hair, making the boy giggle. "But I'm going to wash your hair now- Scott, how the hell did you get pudding there?!- anyway, after that I'm gonna haul your little butts into bed, okay?" Stiles said, amd both boys nodded. When they were all clean, Stiles picked them up before getting them dressed for bed and bringing them to their cribs, after which he changed his shirt, which had taken a pretty bad hit from the pudding-covered pups and when he'd changed into a clean white T-shirt he walked downstairs and into the kitchen, where the three men and Allison were now calmly talking. "So, the kids are in bed, and I'd like to know if you guys have come up with a plan already" he asked, a little tired from the previous events of that day, and the men nodded. "We've figured almost everything out. The wall of the vault has a weak spot, I'll break through there while Peter will enter through the main entrance at the same time, and we'll attack whoever is guarding the vault. We're guessing the darach herself will be there, because even if Deucalion survived that fall there is no possibility he has healed enough to be able to fight already. After we've distracted her enough, Chris and Allison will get in to free Deaton and get out" Derek explained quickly, and Stiles nodded. "Just promise me you'll be careful" he said, mostly directed to Derek and Allison. "We always are mom, you know that" Allison said while rolling her eyes and receiving a weird look from her dad. "Babe, don't worry so much" Derek said while giving his fiancé a quick kiss on the lips. "I can't help worrying for the people I love, and I love my intire family, you know that" Stiles said before kissing Derek back. "Well, I'd hate to interrupt, but if you'd stop playing house we can go and get something done" Peter said sarcastically, and Chris nodded, one eyebrow raised at their dramatics. "Sure" Derek said before pecking Stiles lips one last time and walking to the door. "Break a leg! And be careful!" Stiles yelled when they drove away, still worrying too much for his own good. He walked to the living room where Lydia, Aiden and Danny were watching a movie, Danny slightly turned away from the tv, Aiden with his face behind a pillow and Lydia grinning at the screen. "What are you watching?" Stiles asked, one eyebrow raised. "The grudge" Aiden whimpered while Lydia looked over her shoulder, annoyed at the talking. "Why do we even have those movies?" Stiles sighed while sitting down next to Aiden and pulling the pup close. "Why do you even agree to watch these movies?" He exclaimed, and Aiden shrugged into his shoulder. "Well, does your leg still hurt?" Stiles asked, and the boy shrugged again. "Well, I'll have a look at it than" Stiles said before reaching for the bloody cloth on Aidens leg. When he took it off he smiled at the sight of the nearly-healed wound. There was only some dried blood and a nearly-faded scar left. "Well, since you're not really enjoying this movie anyway, why don't you go shower that blood off and put something else than just your boxers on, okay hun?" Stiles said while chuckling at the face Aiden made when he realised he was still only in his navy blue boxers. "Um, yeah, I think I'm gonna do that, bye Danny, Lyds, ma" he said while rushing to his feet and quickly making his way upstairs, making Stiles chuckle. "Prudes, every single one of them" he said, and Danny rolled his eyes. "Aren't you than? Danny asked in a seductive voice while throwing Stiles a wink, and Stiles raised an eyebrow while slowly reaching for the bottom of his shirt and slowly lifting it up while doing a 'sexy' lip bite. Once he'd lifted it over his head he stared Danny straight in the eyes. "Wow, Stiles, have you been working out?" he asked while eyeing Stiles's newly developed eight-pack. "I've been training with werewolves, hun. Do you like what you see?" He fake-flirted while looking at Lydia from the corners of his eyes. "Mom!" She exclaimed shockedly, and Stiles and Danny bursted out laughing simultaneously. "Oh god, you should've seen your face!" Danny laughed while clutching his stomach, and Stiles laughed even more when Lydia realised they'd pulled a prank on her and turned bright red before recollecting herself and throwing a glare in their direction. "Very funny mom. Now please put your shirt back on, you can save that for Derek" she said while turning her attention back at the tv. Stiles put his shirt back on, and when he looked back up he saw Danny was throwing him a questioning look. "I've been wondering, why is it that they call you mom but don't call Derek dad?" He asked, and Stiles chuckled. "They tried, but Derek did not like that. At all. And well, he isn't really a 'daddy' person, is he?" Stiles chuckled, and Danny nodded. "Well, he is kind of a dad to us, but he just hates being called that I guess" Lydia interrupted, and Danny nodded while Stiles smiled. "And that's about our little dysfunctionally functional family" He said, and Danny nodded. "It's a great family though" he said a little sadly, and Stiles walked over to the other couch where Danny was sitting and he rubbed the boy's arm comfortingly. "Well, you can be a part of this family. I'll be a great mother-in-law when you and Ethan get married. Not until he's older though" Stiles winked, and he felt sad when he saw a few tears blink in Danny's eyes. "Hey, it's okay bud" Stiles said while pulling the boy in for a hug. "Now you're mothering over me after all" Danny said while laughing through his tears. "No, I'm not. I'm just being a friend" Stiles said, and Danny smiled. "Thanks Stiles" he said, and Stiles was about to say something when his phone rang. He saw it was Derek, and he picked up. "Der, is everything okay?" Stiles asked worriedly. "Mostly. We got to Deaton, and the darach wasn't here" Derek answered. "Than what's wrong?" Stiles replied. "Someone else is. And it isn't human"

SORRYSORRYSORRY!!!! I was ill, so updating was a little difficult... I'm better now though xd Well, I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Ow, and I'm adding another ship, can you guess which one? Well, please comment and vote! xoxo,

Robance c:-

A very puppy senior year (Sterek) (Boyxboy) (completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu