part 2

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Huh. Just trying to see if it'll reappear now. Hello my purple unicorns! So Stiles' secret is out to the school.. And coach.. Awkward.. c:- I cringed while writing that, I'm awful with awkward situations xd Well, enjoy this next crapload of awkwardness I call a chapter! c:-

chapter 2

"What? Stilinski, are you screwing with me right now? Did you get someone pregnant?" Coach laughed, and Stiles blushed even more. "I didn't get anyone pregnant" Stiles mumbled, still blushing furiously. "Then why in the world would you get married? Does that poor girl even know what she's getting herself into? Who is she?" Coach blurred, and Stiles suddenly realised nobody knew he was dating a guy, or even that he wasn't heterosexual. "Well Stilinski? Who is she?" Coach yelled, and Stiles knew everyone was looking at him. "Not a she coach" Stiles mumbled, and the coach furrowed his eyebrows. "What? Speak clearly Stilinski!" He yelled, and Stiles could feel tears burn behind his eyes out of humiliation and anger. "Not a she! It's a guy okay!" He yelled, and now coach was the one to blush. Any mention of homosexuality always made him feel uncomfortable, and he also seemed to realise how he'd just embarrassed Stiles. "O-kay.. Well, what are you all looking at! Mahealani! Give me that bracelet, we're continuing with the lesson!" Coach bellowed, and the hour went by slowly, while Stiles constantly could feel the judging or curious gazes from his classmates and symphathizing gazes from his pups fixed on his back, and he once again wondered why he sat on the front row. When the hour was over Stiles rushed out of the classroom, but he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He spun around, expecting to see one of his pups but instead he was lookin in the face of Danny Mahealani. "What do you want?" He snapped, not really wanting to talk to anyone right now. "Nothing, it's just that I know how difficult coming out can be, and I wanted to ask if you were okay. If you ever need to talk or anything.." He didn't finish his sentence, but Stiles' features softened. "Thanks Danny. You wanna sit with us for lunch?" He asked, and Danny smirked. "I was going to anyway. Do you think Ethan likes me?" He asked curiously, and Stiles let out a chuckle. "Ask him yourself" he said, but mentally he was squealing because he knew his pup liked Danny. Suddenly Danny came a little closer. "So.. Your fiancé. Is he hot?" He asked conspicuously. and Stiles smirked. "He's gorgeous" he answered, and Danny let out a very manly squeal. "What's his name?" He asked enthousiastically, and Stiles chuckled. "It's Derek" he smirked, and he saw Danny's eyes get big as saucers. "What? Derek-hot-and-not-your-cousin Miguel Derek? Derek Hale?! That guy is gorgeous! What's your secret?!" He yelled, and Stiles' smirk got even wider. "My amazingly hot body of course" He said while flirtatiously batting his eyelashes at Danny, who just chuckled and shook his head at the slim boy next to him. They reached the cafeteria, and immediatly all heads turned to him.  Fuck school gossip. "Hey faggot! Not cheating on your fiancé now are you?" Stiles turned to where the voice came from. "No Greenberg, why, you interested?" He yelled back, and to his utter satisfaction Greenberg blushed bright pink. But that one witty remark didn't stop others from mocking him, and even sitting with a few of the most popular kids in school didn't help. Halfway through lunch Stiles was sick of it though, so he took out his phone and dialed Dereks number. When Derek picked up Stiles started speaking immediatly. "Babe, would you come over here now? I want to tell you something" he asked before Derek could say anything. "What?" Derek sighed "You'll see" "You can't just tell me over the phone?" "No" Stiles quickly said. "Okay, I'll be there in 5" Derek replied. "Thanks babe! Ow, and wear your leather jacket" Stiles replied before hanging up, and he smirked when he looked at the confused look of his newfound bullies. He chose to ignore them until he felt his phone buzz and saw he had a text from Derek.  "I'm in front of the school. Where are u?" Stiles smirked. "Cafeteria. Meet me here"  he quickly replied, and half a minute later Derek walked through the doors, and he was immediatly met by flirtatious looks from every girl outside of the pack, but thankfully he ignored them and walked up to Stiles, who'd stood up already and was walking towards Derek. They met in the middle of the cafeteria, and before Derek could even say anything Stiles had slammed their lips together, and he enjoyed the sound of other students gasping. When they pulled back Derek had a half smirk on his face an he looked down at Stiles amusedly, because Scott had kept him informed about the events of that day and he'd expected Stiles'd pull a stunt like this. "So what was it you wanted to tell me?" Derek asked, and Stiles smirked. "I love you" he said flirtatiously, and Derek smiled. "I love you too you insane, hyperactive fiancé of mine" he said before reconnecting their lips, earning a few squeals from girls who had been making nasty comments to Stiles before. They pulled back and Stiles got a big grin on his face and he turned to face the rest of the cafeteria, smiling sweetly at the girls who were giving him envious looks. "Oh yeah. Be jealous bitches! This gorgeous piece of manl candy is all mine, and he's better than anyone you'll ever have!" He yelled, and Derek smacked him on the back of his head softly. "You idiot" he said lovingly, giving Stiles a last kiss before leaving with more dignity than any of the guys in the cafeteria would ever have, and right before he exited through the double doors he turned to throw everyone in the cafeteria a wink, earning himself a lot of squeals and giggles from almost everyone in the cafeteria. Stiles walked back to his seat with all eyes fixed on him, a smile plastered on his face. He loved this cheeky  side of Derek, and he was once again very pleased that Derek wasn't the sourwolf anymore he'd been at first, because that Derek never wouldv'e played along with a stunt like this. He sat down at the pack's table and smirked contently. "Well, I think that's solved now" he said, very happy with himself. "You're a terrible influence ma" Erica commented, earning herself a strange look from Danny, but said boy chose to ignore what she'd said. It was Erica Reyes after all, nobody was ever sure what she was thinking. The others laughed though, and Stiles gave her a soft smack on the back of her head. "A terrible influence? Moi? Of course not! I'm the best influence enyone could ever ask for!" Stiles declared, and everyone shook their head in laughter, but none of his pups objected. "I doubt that highly" Danny laughed, and all the pups turned to him because even though Stiles was a absolute nutjob and imitating half of what he did could be considered dangerous, he'd still helped them better than anyone else could've done. "Well that's your opinion" Isaac and Scott said coldly, and Danny squirmed a little under the piercing gazes of the nine werewolves. "Okay, sorry, I didn't know you were gonna get mad..." Danny said, and the two pups huffed while the others just threw dissaproving glances in Danny's direction. Stiles just chuckled and rolled his eyes at his pups. "Guys, you're overreacting again" he said, and the pups all murmured a quick apology, either in Stiles' or Dannys direction, and Danny looked utterly confused now. "What is up with you guys? You're behaving even weirder than last year!" He declared while looking at Isaac and Jackson who'd managed to scoot closer to Stiles during lunch, and were now almost pressed to Stiles' sides. "Um... It's just that.. Well.." Scott started, and Stiles facepalmed. "You're kidding right?" he deadpanned in Scotts direction, and then he looked in Dannys direction. "We've just hung out a lot over the summer" Stiles explained, and Danny nodded and decided it would probably be best not to question the strange behaviour of his friends anymore. "Okay. Well, I think I'm going to go to class now. See you!" He said before exiting the cafeteria. "Guys, you need to stop acting this obvious in front of everyone! Danny's getting suspicious, and do I have to explain why we can't let him find out?" Stiles hissed to his pups, and they all guiltily nodded and apologised with a quick "No mom" or "Sorry mom." Stiles rubbed his temples. "Okay guys. Just think about what you say next time, okay?" He said smiling, and everyone nodded before the bell rang and everyone walked to their classes. The next few days went by a little calmer, and Stiles didn't get any nasty remarks about him being engaged anymore. He also noticed Danny and Ethan get closer, and he thought they were adorable, even though they weren't officially together yet. He was a little worried though, because he'd discussed telling Danny with Derek, but they both decided they couldn't trust Danny yet. Then finally, friday afternoon came and Stiles was planning on spending the weekend doing absolutely nothing. Even though he already knew he was going to forget all about that on saturday and he was probably going to clean the intire house. Since he was feeling utterly lazy he decided to ask Ethan to help him cook dinner, but whennhe called upstairs, he didn't get a reply. He walked up to the living room where all his male pups and Erica were watching tv. "Aiden, do you know where your brother is?" Stiles asked casually, genuinly curious about the whereabouts of his pup, but he started to get a little suspicious when Aiden blushed and muttered something Stiles couldn't hear. "What was that?" He asked, one eyebrow raised and his hands on his hips. "I don't know" Aiden said, a little louder this time. "You should really learn how to lie more convincingly if you ever want to fool me, pup. Now, where is he?" Stiles asked, one finger tapping on his hip impatiently. He really didn't like being lied to. Erica nudged Scotts side and whispered something to him, at which Scot chuckled and murmured something in return, so Stiles decided to turn his attention to them. "I see you're thinking this is is all very funny, aren't you? Well, you know what I'm thinking? I thonk you know where Ethan is. So you better just tell me" he said calmly, and Scott and Erica looked very uncomfortable. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I was just saying to Scott that Aiden looks funny when he's scared. Scott agreed with me" Erica sassed, and Stiles' eyebrow raised even higher. "Okay. If nobody's going to speak up, we're sitting here until he's back. No tv" he sassed back before turning the tv off, ignoring the groans of his pups. "Mom! We weren't allowed to tell!" Jackson whined, and all the others glared at him. "Nice Jackson" Scott said annoyedly. "Yeah, really mature" Aiden added. "Okay, just tell me already" Stiles said, and everyone sighed. "I think we should just-" Isaac began. "No Isaac! You're always kissing moms ass, you're such a baby!" Jackson interrupted, and Stiles took a deep breath. "Jackson James Whittemore. If you ever say something like that again, to any other pup, you're literally grounded until college is over" Stiles said softly, and Jackson swallowed hard. "Sorry mom" he said, and Stiles raised one eyebrow, at which Jackson sighed. "Sorry Isaac" he whined, and at that moment Derek decided to stroll into the living room. "Finally! Do you know what's going on here?!" Stiles asked his fiancé, who didn't really look interested. "Oh, you mean Ethan and Danny being on a date? Yes, I knew that" he said before ploppong down on the couch, driving Stiles even more mad. "Why did everyone exept me know that?!" He yelled, and Derek smirked. "Because you would've refused to let him go, or made a huge fuss about it" he answered, and Stiles threw his arms up in frustration. "God! You all can't just! I'm calling him! He's coming home right now!" He yelled in frustration before dialing Ethans number, and waiting for his pup to pick up. After a few seconds he put his phone down, frustration plastered on his face. "He didn't pick up! That little... Oh, that boy is grounded!" He yelled before stomping over to the kitchen to make himself some tea. After a few minutes Derek walked in and put his arms around Stiles' waist. "Babe, calm down" he said softly, and Stiles sighed. "I'm just worried" he whined, and Derek smiled. "I know babe" he said softly before pecking Stiles' lips. "I mean, does he even know what could go wrong? And if we'd have talked about it I'd have let him go as well! It's just that-" Stiles was interrupted by his phone ringing, and he noticed it was Ethans number before he picked up. "You are in deep trouble mister. I want you home right-" Ethan interrupted him. "Mom, I didn't mean to! We were kissing and it just happened! I don't-" He blurred in a panicky voice. "Sweetie, calm down. It's gonna be okay, you understand? Now tell me what happened" Stiles said, and he heared Ethan take a quivering sigh. "He knows mom. Danny knows"

Soo.. the second chapter finished! Have you all seen the new episode?!?! like OMGGG!!! I have two theories: knife, kitsune, countdown. I'm not sure about Stiles. Well, if you liked the chapter, please comment and vote! xoxo,

Robance c:-

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