part 8

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Ugh. I guess I'm rewriting more chapters than I thought I would have to. This sucks. Ah well, here you go xd

Chapter 8 (again)

"You've got to be kidding me" Stiles said while looking at the four very naked toddlers on the factory floor.

"Is this some kind of joke? Because I don't think it's funny" He said, and Danny and Lydia shook their heads. "No, mom, these kids are-" she started. "Mom! We were going to save Danny and then the darach came and then we were small!" A raven-haired two year old, who'd toddled up to Stiles, said with tears welling up in his eyes. "Okay, okay, I guess it's you guys then. Can you still understand me?" Stiles asked, and the small toddler who was probably Jackson frowned. "Duh. We're small, not idiots" he sassed, and Stiles walked up to him with one eyebrow raised. "Don't you dare talk to me like that, young man" he told the kid, who blushed. "We already called Derek, but he's gonna be a little late. Aiden managed to get himself shot with wolfsbane. We haven't really told him about the pups's situation though" Lydia said, and Stiles nodded. "Well, let's get you dressed while we wait for Derek" he said, and the pups seemed to realise they were naked, and they immediatly reached for their old shirts, refusing Stiles's help. But unfortunately, uncoordinated toddler muscles and way-too-big shirts aren't really the best combination, so after five minutes of toddlers unnecesarely working themselves up, Stiles reached for Isaac, putting him on his lap. "Don't you dare protest" Stiles said while slipping the shirt, which looked more like a dress on the small toddler, on the kid in a few seconds before tending to the other three. When they were done, Derek walked in and immediatly got a shocked and angry look on his face. "What the hell is going on here?!" He exclaimed, apparently shocked at the looks of Scott, and the toddlers whimpered, startled, before cuddling into Stiles's arms. "Derek, smell them" Stiles said, and Derek sniffed the air before realising who they were, his eyes going big as saucers in the process. "What- how- can they understand me?" He asked Stiles stunnedly. "Yes, we can. So stop talking about us like we aren't here" Jackson said angrily, and Stiles chuckled. "I was thinking Deaton" he said, and Derek nodded. "Can you walk?" Stiles asked, and Scott and Ethan nodded before toddling out next to Lydia and Danny, but when Jackson tried to stand up and take a step, he landed on his butt with a thud, making tears brim in his eyes. "Why is this so hard!" he cried indignantly, and when it became clear Isaac wasn't going to be able to walk as well, Stiles picked both of them up, placing them on his hips and shushing them in the process. He decided not to make a scene about the lack of carseats then, but he made his way to the animal clinic with a lot of care. When they got in, it caused an enormous ruckus, of course, and even Deaton looked shocked for a moment. He looked the toddlers over for a moment, before concluding they were healthy, vibrant toddlers, physically. While he was trying to figure out why exactly they were healthy, vibrant toddlers, those toddlers had taken place on their girlfriend-or brother's lap, the girls cooing over their adorableness while the twins seemed to be having a rather serious conversation. Isaac was cuddled into Stiles's lap, looking around with his big, blue eyes like everything was a little bit too much to take in. Then, Stiles turned to the girls. "Girls, why don't you go out and buy these guys some supplies?" he asked, and immediatly all toddlers panicked, especially when they saw the wallet Stiles was getting ready to hand to Allison. "No! Mom, you know they're gonna buy us extremely embarassing things!" Jackson exclaimed while Ethan had made his way off Aiden's lap and was reaching for the wallet, which was just out of his reach. Scott had taken to hanging on Allison't legs, but to no avail. The girls took off with a wink and happy chatter, leaving four pouting toddlers. Then, Deaton made his way into the exam room, looking at Stiles. "I'm going to have to take some blood from the toddlers, to determine the poison" he said, and Isaac and Ethan obediently stuck their arms out, while panick struck Scott and Jackson. "No. No. No I'm not doing that. No way" Scott said, while Jackson started scooting away, not really crawling because he obviously saw that as below his dignity, until Stiles grabbed him and placed him on his lap. "Okay guys, this is how it's gonna go down. Isaac and Ethan are going to show you it isn't scary, and then you're going to get the little sting, and you'll be okay"  Stiles said, and indeed, Isaac and Ethan were both done in a minute. But when Stiles went to reach for Scott, he noticed the kid was gone, so he turned to the four 'grown up' guys, who were sitting there, having a lot of fun about something. "Where's Scott?" Stiles asked, and they chuckled while eying the open door.

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