part 10

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chapter 10

"What do you mean?" Stiles asked confusedly. "Your father just called. Harris was taken from his classroom, where they found multiple black moths" Derek explained, and Stiles groaned. "Fuck! I really can't have this on top of everything! Why don't supernatural creatures know how to stay dead?" He exclaimed angrily, and he was startled by a mad chuckle coming from the kitchen. "Well, personally I see that more as a perk of being a supernatural creature" Peter said while stepping through the kitchen door. "Peter! What the fuck are you doing here? How did you get in? How did nobody- nevermind. What the fuck are you doing here?!" Stiles exclaimed towards the arrogant-looking man who'd walked into their house uninvited again. "Well, I had enough of what I was doing elsewhere, so I decided to come back here. And tell me again why it smells like small children here? You got Stiles pregnant Derek? Than my suspicions of him being a woman were true after all" Peter said like he owned the place and had the right to demand an answer. "Well I'm sorry Peter, but frankly that's just none of your damn business, so if you'd like to dissapear from our lives again, that would be highly appreciated" Stiles told him coldly, but Peter just smirked and sat down on the couch next to Derek. "Pups, get upstairs. Get the others and stay in our room. We need to talk with Peter for a moment" Stiles told the pups who quickly obeyed. "Now Peter, cut the crap. Why are you here?" Stiles asked angrily, refusing to sit down. "Well, as I told you, I was bored of my business elsewhere, and this place is always interesting. I also thought you might want to know that the darach and Deucalion have made a pact against you and your pack. And now that Deucalion can see again-" Peter started. "What?! He can- What?! How?!" Stiles yelled confusedly and worriedly. "The darach knew how to win Deucalions loyalty. She can take his vision away as quickly as she returned it to him, that's why he does whatever she says" Peter explained, and Stiles rubbed his temples tiredly. "I really can't deal with this right now" he groaned, ans he felt Derek pull him on the couch and close to him. "We can Stiles, together we'll deal, like we always do" Derek told Stiles, who nodded and took his hand. "Okay lovebirds, now, which room do I get?" Peter asked, and Stiles looked up to him confusedly. "What do you mean?" He asked harshly, and Peter raised one eyebrow in amusement. "I'm staying here of course. My apartment was kind of confiscated by the enemy" He explained, but before Stiles could react he heared Lydia's voice from upstairs. "Mom! We kind of need you here right now!" She yelled, and Stiles rushed upstairs after telling Peter to stay put, and he barged through the bedroom door to find four panicking toddlers, Allison was trying to calm them down but it didn't really work. "What happened here?" Stiles asked while climbing on the bed to the pups, pulling them on his lap or to his sides. "Well, they woke up when we got them out of bed, and Aiden and Erica thought it'd be a good idea to tell them.about Peter and mr. Harris" Allison explained, while Stiles glared at said pups while the little bodies pressed against him were trembling. "Shh sweeties, I'm here now, Peter can't hurt you, he won't. He actually provided us some useful information. I'll protect you guys, don't worry" he cooed to the pups, and they snuggled as close to him as they could possibly get. "I'm not scared for me mommy! I'm scared for all of you" Scott exclaimed, and Stiles smiled softly while running his hand through the boys black hair. "We can protect ourselves sweetie, we can even protect you! So don't worry, okay?" Stiles told all of them, and they all looked up at him with watery smiles. "Thanks mom" Jackson said while cuddling into Stiles' lap which he was sharing with Isaac. "It's okay sweetie. Now why don't you guys go to sleep?" Stiles told the toddlers, who nodded before snuggling into Stiles even more. "Boyd, Aiden, could you get the cribs from the other room? I think everyone will be sleeping in here tonight" Stiles said when the toddlers were on the verge of passing out. They nodded and went out of the room, and sadly Peter chose that moment to barge through the door, waking the pups in the process. Isaac started crying while the others scooted back into the pillows, and meanwhile Peter just walked around the bed to the side they were sitting on, and he brought his face close to Isaacs, making the boy even more hysterical, but he didn't really seem to mind. "Fascinating.." He muttered under his breath while Stiles clutched Isaac to his chest and looked at the other trembling boys. "Girls, take them" Stiles ordered, and Lydia and Allison grabbed their boyfriends while Erica took Ethan who was quickly passed on to Danny, who rocked the little boy to his chest the way the girls did. "My apologies, Derek told me about your little.. Problem, and I simply had to see it for myself. I didn't mean to upset the little ones" Peter explained before walking out of the room like he owned the place. "I fucking hate that guy" Stiles muttered angrily while softly rocking Isaac back and forth. "Heyy baby, I'm staying right here tonight okay? Everything's okay, don't worry" He told the upset boy, and when he took a look around he saw the girls and Danny were saying similar things to the others. When they'd calmed down a little, everyone including the boys who'd installed the cribs in the master bedroom, sat down on the bed. "Okay, I think it's time for everyone under the age of three to go to sleep now" he told the pups, who were obviously tired, but tears welled up in Scotts eyes and he shook his head. "Hey now, what's wrong Scottieboy? Come here" Stiles said while taking the boy from Allisons arms. "I just don't wanna wake up to see you gone" he said softly, and Stiles pulled him close. "Ow bub, that's not gonna happen! I have the flu, remember? For the next two  weeks I'll be here so much you'll get sick of me" he told the little boy with a wink. "And why don't me, Allison, Lydia and Danny stay here until you guys are sleepy?" He asked, and everyone mentioned smiled and pulled 'their' pups close while Stiles pulled Isaac on his lap and the others exited the room. They talked for a bit until Stiles noticed the little boys were practically asleep against the ones holding them. In fact, Jackson was softly snoring into Lydia's leg. "Eww, he drooled on me!" She softly exclaimed, making Stiles chuckle. "Let's put them to bed. Watch their heads when you lay them down" he told them. "Lay Jackson and Isaac and our two two year olds together, okay?" He said, and a minute later they were all done and made their way downstairs, where they were met by an uncomfortable silence between Peter and the pack. "Okay, Peter, I really don't want you staying here, you make the pups upset, plus you creep me out. Is there anywhere else you can go?" Stiles asked bluntly, and Peter raised his eyebrow at him once again. "First of all, ouch" he said while putting his hand over his heart in fake hurt. "And second, as much as watching you amuses me, I really don't like sleeping in a house full of incompetent children I don't even trust, so don't think I like being here. And I'll be away most of tomorrow anyway, so hopefully noone will notice eachothers presence here" he deadpanned, and Stiles rolled his eyes. "You get the room at the end of the hallway. If you so much as think of touching or even being closer than ten feet from my pups, you'll have to look for another place to stay. Capische?" Stiles told him, and Peter chuckled for no particular reason before nodding. "I appreaciate it, little momma. I'll be outside now, I have things to do and people to see. Don't wait up, I'll be back late. I'll let myself in" he said before calmly standing up and making his way out the front door, seemingly not caring that glares were burning in his back. "What is it that he has again?" Stiles asked rhetorically, and Derek rolled his eyes. "I don't think they have a name for it yet" he replied, and Stiles shook his head. "That must be the creepiest guy I've ever seen" Danny said, and everyone just nodded. "And that's probably including Deucalion" Erica added. "Well, don't think about all that right now, I need you guys to get some sleep tonight. Oh and Danny, you can put your matress in our room, I don't want anyone sleeping separate with Peter in the house and the darach controlling Deucalion on the loose" Stiles told everyone, and Danny just smiled and nodded. "That's fine with me Stiles" he replied, and Stiles smiled at all of them. Later that night, when everyone had gone to bed, Stiles was laying to Dereks side, listening to everyone sleep because he couldn't really sleep himself. That's when he heared a noise come from one of the cribs. "Hey? Ethan? You awake dude?" Scotts voice whispered, and Stiles couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, I can't sleep, you?" Ethan answered. "Me neither. I'm starving man!" Scott exclaimed in his soft voice. "We should totally get out of here. I know where mom keeps the cookies" he added, and Stiles wondered what'd be next. "But these cribs are like, impossibly high! How do we get out?" Ethan asked doubtingly, making Stiles surpress a chuckle. "We wolf out and cut the side loose! It's just a travel crib anyway" Scott explained, and Stiles had a feeling he was going to have to interrupt any second. "But mom's gonna be angry if he finds out! You've already fallen down the stairs today!" Ethan exclaimed, and Stiles could almost feel Scott roll his eyes. "He won't find out! We'll say we accidentally scratched it open and I'm not gonna fall down the stairs again! Are you in or not? Because I'm getting those cookies"  Scott said annoyedly, and Stiles could hear Ethan sigh. "Well, I guess-" He started. "I guess you two are staying in your crib tonight" Stiles, who'd snuck out of the bed to the side of the crib, told the two toddlers, who jumped in the air startledly. "Mom! We um.. We didn't know you were awake!" Scott exclaimed, making Stiles chuckle. "I got that. I finally know who's been stealing the cookies though" He said, making the little boy blush. "Sorry mom" he said, and Stiles reached into the crib to tickle him a little. "That's okay you little rebel. I think I have an idea. If all of us can't sleep, why don't we go downstairs to drink something? With a cookie of course" Stiles asked the two boys, who eagerly nodded, so Stiles lifted them out of the crib and they went downstairs where Stiles made two sippy cups with not-so-hot chocolate. The boys drank eagerly, and when they were finished their eyes almost shut. "Well look at those round little tummies" Stiles said while repositioning the boys on his lap. He'd known any warm bevarige makes a toddler sleepy as hell, so he smiled at his little plan working while lifting both boys on his hips and making his way upstairs. When he'd tucked the boys in and crawled in bed next to Derek again, he felt the man turn to face him. "You're an amazing pack mom Stiles. We couldn't have been luckier"  Derek said while wrapping his arms around Stiles' waist. "I know right" Stiles chuckled before kissing Dereks lips softly.

Aaaaaaanddd... After like, three months, I gave up on wattpad repairing chapter 10 and I found out my photographical memory js better than I thought.... And a friend of mine downloaded the chapter c:- xoxo,

Robance c:-

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