Chapter 4 - When Love Finds Love...

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Chapter 4 – When Love Finds Love...

I sat on my bed and stared out of the window over at number 158. Yesterday was amazing, I felt like I knew Jacob on a different level. On the one hand it made absolutely no sense and on the other it was as clear as rain. Jacob was annoying, strange, different and yet somewhat interesting to me. He had a way of making me smile even when I didn’t want to, which was a new feeling to me, no one had ever made me feel this way. I wanted to slap myself to be quite perfectly honest with you. You see, I’ve spent my entire life making sure that I wasn’t ‘one of those girls’. I suppose you’re wondering what ‘one of those girls’ means...well you know, I mean those girls that just like a guy after like two days, it just wasn’t me and yet I’d found myself in the very situation that I detested.

“Wow you're actually awake!” My mom said with a surprised tone in her voice. 

“Yeah I've decided to turn over a new leaf and start being early,” I had hoped that after hearing my response she would end the conversation there but you know just as well as I do that, that wasn’t my mother’s style.

“Oh a new leaf that’s great,” she replied. I turned to her, half in shock that she had nothing more to say on the matter.

“Yep,” I smiled thinking that I had finally found a way to stop my mother prying into my business. As always I was wrong. You'd think that I would have learnt by now...

"Mmm and there's me thinking that it had something to do with Jacob," she replied as she walked out of my room looking rather proud of herself. I couldn't believe that she had just said that without even an ounce of discretion to at least help to ease the embarrassment of the whole conversation.

I went and sat in front of the mirror attempting to apply the eyeliner that Jenny bought me last Christmas. It seemed so easy when I had watched her putting it on in the school restroom. Right surely it's got to be the same as writing on paper I told myself. I took my hand to below my eye just as Jenny had demonstrated and I slowly brought the pencil up and...

"Ouchhhhhhh!" I screamed.

My eye was throbbing! I couldn't believe that I had missed. I was positive that I was blind. Suddenly I was aware that I had company when I heard Aaron’s big, goofy laugh coming from my doorway.

"Get out!" I screamed as I held my hand over my eye, hopping around my room. As my other eye started to focus I suddenly spotted the phone in his hand capturing my moment of torture.

"Give me that now!" I shrieked as I raced towards him. It was difficult trying to grab him with one hand. Tears were rolling from my eye as I battled to grab his phone out of his hand.

"This is so going on YouTube," he shouted over my screams.

"What on earth is going on here you two?" My mom demanded as she stood between us in an attempt to break us apart.

"Him, he's got a video of me and he's planning to put it on YouTube, tell him to get it off now!"

"Oh, but mom you've got to see it she was actually trying to put on eyeliner! I had to catch the moment. I mean this is the first time in forever that she's actually tried to be a girl and look what happens the idiot nearly blinds herself, how could I not capture the footage?"

Aaron was extremely amused as he uttered those words. I stood there and realised that the pain had passed and was replaced by sheer anger. Thoughts of how I would pay him back later went through my mind. Oh he was going to pay for this believe me!

A Not So Ordinary Love Story (Watty Awards 2012) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now