Finley "Finn" Nelson

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Finn Nelson is a member of Merediths group of friends, an alternative music enthusiast,and her primary love interest. He is described by Rae as "fit-and-he-knows-it". Finn is introduced, from Rae's perspective, as a bad boy whose appearance - and arrogance about it - enables him to be popular. To the audience, Finn initially seems rude and sullen.

Episode 1: Big Wide World

Finn is first seen with a Chloe group of friends as they ride past Rae when she is first withdrawn from the hospital, but later actually introduced at the pub. Finn wants Archie to select the music, but is first conflicted with Rae, as she takes his money to choose what music will be played, though he is impressed by her music skills. Later he is seen at the pool party messing around with the gang.

Episode 2: Touched

Finn arrives to the date Archie and Rae had planned, telling her he won't be coming. Later he goes to her house telling her what Archie did was wrong and that she should go confront him.

Episode 3: Ladies and Gentlemen

Finn is also invited to the Knebworth concert along with Chop and Rae, as they meet for food to discuss. As Rae is being bullied Finn comes to her rescue as he punches the leader of the group, threating him to leave Rae alone for good. As they are off to the concert the next day, Rae thanks Finn for sticking up for her.

Episode 4: Don't Tell Anyone Anything

Rae and Finn's friendship continues strong, though Finn becomes confused as to why Rae is being different with him, not wanting to hug him and being rude and mean to him. As the party at Rae's house turns into spin the bottle, Finn and Rae end up in the closettogether, he confronts her about her actions towards him. He is later found crying on Rae's mother bed, having just got off the phone to the news his grandmother passed away, Rae comforts him.

Episode 5: It's A Wonderful Rae Pt1

Rae runs off to Finn's house, where he convinces her to go to the rave, as he will give her a ride on his scooter. At the rave, FInn sees Rae kissing Archie and takes their friendship kiss out of content. Later Rae sees him making out with Chloe.

Episode 6: It's a Wonderful Rae Pt2

Finn and Chloe speak about the kiss they shared, Finn tells her he sees her as a friend, leaving Chloe broken hearted. Listening to Rae speak at her mothers wedding, Finn leaves to get Fish and Chips, finding Rae standing in front of the shop looking for him. Finn wants to tell her something, but is horrible at words, so he spells out "I like you" on her back. Telling her he doesn't care if she doesn't believe him, because it's true.

Series 2

Episode 1: Alarm

The beginning of Series 2 is the start of Finn and Rae romantic relationship. Rae and Finn are found at the bowling alley alone together. Rae is certain it's a date as their flirtatious ways continue. Rae is concerned after 2 days of not hearing from him. Finn and Rae are seen in the locker room after Finn injures himself during a game, where they finally share their first kiss. With Rae's mother interrupting their alone time in her room, as well as Rae's body image problems ruining the time they shared in the camperFinn got for them as a surprise on their camping trip, Rae and Finn have not yet been intimate.

Episode 2: Radar

College starts up again, Finn is a second year and has plenty of girls hanging off him and flirting with him. The couple share another intimate moment at Finn's house, though he gets drunk and passes out due to Rae pressuring him to drink.He becomes confused when he never comes across Rae at college, and finally confronts her at school, discovering how Rae views their relationship and how she doesn't understand why he likes her. Finn is unsure how to perceive what she is saying, saying he likes her "because he does", they then kiss. After this, they find themselves locked in the bathroom together, only bringing Rae out of the radar. Finn and Rae's relationship ends with Rae breaking up with him, returning his jacket, as she can't find herself to be with him intimately.

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