The Writer [15]

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Several weeks passed since we went to that village. Everything seems normal, until several nights ago, I started having weird, similar dreams. They all involve Sasuke frantically writing on pieces of papers and notebooks. It's kinda creepy and frustrating but I'll choose to ignore it for now..

"I wonder when are we going to do the second thing on my list.." I murmured to myself one night when I couldn't sleep. I peered through the notebook and frowned.

But as if on cue, I heard something. I jerked my head towards the window and saw a pebble being thrown at it again.

"Damn kids." I stood up and opened it, ready to give our neighbors' naughty children a piece of my mind when---


"Ouch! What the hell?!"



Still rubbing my forehead, I looked down and saw ITACHI UCHIHA smiling at me. I turned left and right, in hopes of seeing my blasted boyfriend, but he wasn't there!

So... Tachi-kun's making a move on yah now?! GOSH! HE'S STARING AT YOU! WAAAAH! I'M MELTING, SAKU-CHAN! HELP!

I shook my head in annoyance frowned at him.

"If you're aiming for my forehead, then you had a lucky hit. Sasuke's not here. I don't know where your brother ran off to."

The raven haired older Uchiha casually pocketed his hands and smirked. "First, it wasn't a lucky hit. Actually, your forehead's an easy target. Oh, and I know my brother isn't with you. He paid me to fetch you tonight."

My eyes narrowed. "So, you want me to sneak out of my house?!"

Itachi shrugged. "For dramatic effect."

I sighed. Somehow, Sasuke and Itachi have similar personalities. Athough I have no idea which one is worse on the bad side, I wouldn't really want to know.



"Jump out of the window."

Wide-eyed, I stared at Sasuke's brother as if a giant tomato replaced his freakin' head. NANI?! IS HE SERIOUS?!?!

"Yes, I am. It's the easiest way.. Or would you rather climb your way out and risk giving me a glimpse of what's under your nightgown? I wouldn't mind."

Fvck you, Itachi Uchiha. =__=

And because I have no choice and he's practically enjoying this, I jumped from the window with my hands cluthing the hem of my sleepwear. Just in time, he caught me in his arms, but what I DIDN'T expected is when Itachi wrapped an arm around my waist and leaned closer until our noses touched. I glared at him. "Sasuke will probably have your arms off by the end of the night if you don't let me go."

He chuckled. "I doubt it. Come on," and he dragged me to who-know-where..but then, a forest came into view. Wtf?!


The raven-haired man laughed and pushed me to a direction. "Say hi to him for me. Just walk straight ahead and read the signs." and when I spun around, Itachi-san was nowhere to be found. I sighed.


✔ The Writer [SasuSaku]Where stories live. Discover now