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The boys were rushed back stage so they could go on in less than a minute. I was waiting backstage so I could surprise them. Well Niall, I was going to run on stage during Alive when it was Niall's part and jump into his arms as he sang to me. They just got done singing Midnight Memories. Niall takes center stage and I run out and jump into his arms as he spins me around.

I whispered something in her I just can't repeat! He sang to me. I turned to run off stage and ran into Liam. I ran around him and when I got off stage I turned around and he looked heart broken. They got done and were getting ready when Niall said something.

"Hello Flordia! I want you to meet my girlfriend Laynie Marie Tomlinson. She is Louis sister and wants to model! Come on out babe!" He yells. Danm it they weren't supposed to know about me and Louis and me wanting to model.

"Hey! I am not Louis sister, I just have the last name! We look nothing alike! But I am Ni's babe!". I yell. Niall didn't notice that I was wearing glasses and a black wig that was thrown to me at last minute.

"I was kidding about that but I wanna tell you that I don't like Laynie at all. Were being forced to date by management. More like Taylor one of the head managers. Laynie were over and we can be best friends again! Now go be with Liam!" He yells.

"Niall! How could you? I'm glad were over but you told them things about me I didn't want them to know an about Liam!" I yell as the tears go down my face. I can't believe him. I walk of stage and run straight for the bus. I put my hair up and put on Louis's old soccer T-shirt and some old black leggings. I slipped on a pair of Louis's old soccer socks. Whats with me and his old soccer clothes? Whatever. I lie down in my bunk and play little things on my phone. I hear the bus door open and I turn the music off and cover my face.

"God damn it Niall! I don't care that your my best mate I will fuck your face up for hurting my sister!" I assume that was Louis yelling.

"What did you mean by now you can go be with Liam?" A deep voice asks that can only belong to Liam.

"Liam stay on track!" Louis yells.

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking! I really like this other girl and I wanna be with her not my best friend so I screwed management over. She should be happy! She wants to be with Liam!" Niall yells. Niall I hate you right now.

"Fuck you Niall! You wanna be with that slut?" Louis yells.

"Don't talk about her like that! Plus your sister can model!" He yells back.

"I will deal with her modeling later. Liam will deal with later. You hurt her by saying things she didn't want people to know. People aren't supposed to know she's my sister! That's why she was wearing a wig you dumbass!" My brother yells.

"Niall you need to go on the other bus." Liam says. Other bus? Hell no I'm going there. I grab my phone and laptop and small bag and slip on my brown ugg boots. I run out of my bunk.

"Where are you going?" Niall asks.

"Other bus. I still wanna meet this Ally girl tomorrow." I say and walk off.

"Wait Laynie!" Louis and Liam yell at the same time.

"No! Don't say anything to me!" I yell.

"I'm your bother I'm in charge! Turn your ass around now!" He yells.

"What?" I ask a little calmer.

"Explain please." He says also a little calmer.

"I like Liam! A lot actually! I wanna model or sing do something! I want people to know I'm your sister!" I yell.

"I like you too Laynie. Then do it! We all wanna hear you sing! You can model with us!" Liam tells me and turns away.

"Wait Liam!" I yell.

"No let him go." Louis tells me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Fine we will tell people about you being my sister and you can model with us!" He yells and storms off. What the fuck is his problem? I walk to the other bus and don't even knock. I come to see Harry and Zayn shirtless. I drop my stuff and cuddle with Harry. He lifted me off and faced me towards him.

"I'll explain later but please let me just stay on the bus with you guys." I begged.

He nods and lets me cuddle up next to him. I fall asleep as soon as Harry gets up and lays my head on a pillow.

Louis Sister Liams GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now