Start Of Something New

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The next day in the night, the mane
7 were all going to the lair to see the turtles, Karai, April, Shinigami, and Casey. The girls were still happy about the concert they have did last night and it was so great that someone record them singing and they got a million hits.

"Man, I still can't believe that we have did our first concert last night!" Said Twilight as she smiles we're wide." I mean, I have always wanted people to hear me singing and they all really loved us."

"Yeah, and not only that, but someone actually recorded us while we are singing and we got a million hits!" Said Rainbow Dash as she smiles." I mean, all the people around the world really love us and we are really awesome!"

"Yeah I'm really happy as well!" Said Sunset as she smiles as well." Well here we are, let's all go in now."

So Sunset Shimmer have started to lift up the manhole cover and the girls have all started to go down the sewers. Once they have all arrived at the lair, they all see that the turtles, Karai, April, Shinigami, and Casey were all doing their own activities.

Leo is at the pit watching Space Hero's, Raph is doing some punches at his punching bag, Donnie is in his lab working on a new invention, Mikey is reading his comic book, April and Karai are both sparring, Shinigami is playing with her cat Ebony, and Casey is playing at the pinball game.

"Hey you guys!" Said Pinkie as she smiles.

"Hi Pinkie Pie!" Said Mikey as he blush when he saw her." Do you want to see this new comic I got?"

"Sure Mikey, I'll like to see it! Said Pinkie as she goes to him.

"Hi girls, hey Sunset Shimmer, your hair looks really shining today." Said Raph as he smirk at Sunset.

"Oh, thank you Raph, that's really sweet of you to say to me." Said Sunset as she smiles and blushes a bit.

Then as the others started to go and talk to the girls, Twilight started to go to Leo and then sits next to him but he didn't notice her because he was focused on the show and then she started to speak to get his attention.

"Hi Leo." Said Twilight and Leo jump a bit.

"Oh hey Twilight, I didn't see you coming in." Said Leo as he blush a bit.

"That's okay Leo, so what are you watching?" Asked Twilight looking a bit curious.

"Oh I'm just watching my favorite show Space Hero's, I've always like it since I was a little kid, a bit dumb huh?" said Leo as he scratch the back of his head and blush a bit and Twilight's eyes widen.

"SPACE HERO'S?!" Shouted Twilight in excitement and cause the others to jump and fall to the floor.

"Woah Twilight are you okay?" Asked Leo in a bit worried.

"Of course I am Leo, in fact Space Hero's is my favorite show since I was little too." Said Twilight and Leo's eyes widen.

"Really, that's so cool I thought I was the only who likes Space Hero's!" Said Leo in excitement.

"Yeah I thought I was the only one too, my favorite character is Captain Ryan I even memorized every line he says!" Said Twilight in excitement.

"Oh oh oh, do you memorize this line?" Asked Leo as he cleared up his voice."Gentleman I have a bold and daring plan."

"There's no time to hesitation." Said Twilight as she joins in.

"My orders must now be carried out without question." Said Twilight and Leo and they both started to laugh and Raph started to get annoyed.

TMNT/MLPEG: Lolirock Love Story Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu