Forever By My Side

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1 year passed.

  Everyone was travelling to Y/n favorite spot the waterfall where her and Inuyasha went on their first date and where she met Shesshomaru for the first time. Kagome went on to marry Hojo,but came back to the fuetal era for this special day.

When they reached the spot noticed a figure in the distance...It couldn't be Inuyasha thought,but he couldn't take the chance so he bolted towards it. He saw you standing with the demon dead on the ground and you had a stab wound.


"Hey Dog boy,I've been waiting for you.*cough*smile for me"Y/n says reaching her hand up to lightly touch his face with tears streaming down her face.

  "Your so cold."The hurt in Inuyasha's voice was heavy as he chocked out the sentence.

  "I need to tell you who did this to me alright Inu?"she says smiling.

  "No don't , rest up,you need your energy"

"Naraku did this to me and I know that ...Promise me you will be happy Inuyasha."with that her hand dropped.

  Inuyasha had made a smart split second descion to leave you with Kagome as he raised against time to find his brother.The only person who can save Y/n.

Inuyasha's Pov

  I  ran as fast as I could just then I caught onto my brothers stench he wasn't far,as soon as I saw him I bolted towards him faster then ever.

  "Y/n is going to die, Naraku is trying to kill her because she rejected him."

  "I'll take care of her find Naraku and destroy him." With that we parted ways.


I  had just defeated Naraku and the pearl,Kagome returned back to her world. But where is my    Y/n I walk along the forest hoping to see her when suddenly I hear a loud yell I turn back only to see Y/n jumping into me. I reach out my arms to catch her.

  "I love you."I say holding her close.

  "I love you too."

"Well you have to."

  "Uhuh,why is that? Because were engaged and with that we kissed ready to end fighting and begin our happily ever after.

The End



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