Ch 18 - Plot Your Vengeance

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My palms prickled with sweat, the back was my neck was damp and clammy - all in all, I was almost positive that I looked completely disgusting. 

How the Hell did Nico do this to me?

Christian Matthews, the boy with tawny hair and eyes that were deep, blue wells that helpless girls fell into daily, was literally sweating buckets at the very thought of a date with a scrawny boy named Nico? Puh-lease. The very thought seemed absurd.

But, still, as I gnawed the inside of the my cheek, my fists clenching and unclenching as my stomach knotted in jittering nerves, I realised I was completely and utterly terrified of this date - I mean, I just wanted everything to be… perfect.

I glanced around anxiously at the shabby, grey concrete-covered corner of the Bondi Junction arcade - I was standing awkwardly, wedged somewhere in-between the entrance to a Sushi Train and a little cove where a few K-mart employees were crouched with cigarettes and gloomy expressions as the chilly, late-morning wind ripped through my hair and rendered my sweatshirt useless.

He said he'd be here by eleven… where is he? I wondered, slightly panicked.

Then, suddenly, I caught a flash of black, and a boy a head shorter than the crowd he was navigating his way through - a grin graced my lips, as Nico, in a pair of black skinny jeans, black leather boots and a floppy sweatshirt that was - you guessed it - also black, lifted his clear eyes to mine. A smile glanced across his pink, bow-shaped lips… it was small, fleeting, but still genuine. My grin widened.

'Hey,' I breathed, as Nico suddenly neared me. His shoulders were hunched from the cold, and he stared up at me, his eyes wide in marvel. I could see the kaleidoscope of colours shimmering through his gaze; glacial blues, purples like amethysts, silver-greys that were just a shade shy of white…

'Hi,' he murmured back, his gaze flitting shyly.

Suddenly… it felt like the beginning - and, suddenly, it all made sense to me. The reason I'd been longing for him all this time, the attraction, the feeling of wrong whenever someone else attempted to take his place. Because I knew now - there was no second Nico. There was no replacement that could live up to him - what Nico was couldn't be touched, seen, heard, or felt. It wasn't something physical - it was a intangible, metaphysical thing.

I swallowed, intense emotions coursing too quickly through my veins, rapid, shallow breaths escaping my lips. 'I missed you,' I managed, wincing as my voice cracked slightly.

Nico blushed, his cheeks growing a hot, bright red… 'Y-yeah… same…'

Holy fuck. It was like the first time we'd met - instant, magnetic connection. I reached out, and grabbed Nico's tiny hand, wrapping my fingers over his as I savoured that feeling of holding even the smallest part of his body - a feeling that had faded from my memory over the grey, drab months that'd past without him. 

Nico was all I wanted - I realised that now. Nico was the only important thing…

I want Nico. And I'll make sure I get him - I get what I want.

The grin that laced my lips grew to an even wider extent. Nico's fingers shivered in mine.

'Come on,' I whispered, biting at my lips. Nico's light eyes flittered over my lips, the blush staining his cheeks even redder. 'I'm taking you somewhere.'

'Where?' Nico breathed helplessly.

'You'll -'

'Hey!' A voice called from somewhere behind us - Nico and I both jumped three feet, whipping around as we searched for the source of the voice: behind us, dressed in the ratty blue of the K-mart uniform, a lit cigarette dangling from her teeth, the tip glowing amber, stood a girl. She was tall - she loomed over Nico, and stood maybe even a centimetre or so taller than me. Her eyes were outlined in black eyeliner, smoky silver shadows and what looked like the application of at least an entire tube of mascara had been applied to her dark-blue eyes, and her lips were coated in too-shiny dark-pink gloss.

Fixing Nico [boyxboy / yaoi]Where stories live. Discover now