Chapter 11 // birthday party?

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A/N: sorry chapter 10 was a bit short, hope you enjoy this one though!

8:00 pm.
I decided to go out now to surf, after all I don't need someone to teach me, I can learn it myself.
I step out of my bed just when my phone starts vibrating in the pocket of my shorts. I pick it and answer it to hear a desperate Alisha whispering through the phone.

"Em I Need your help! I'm stuck with Brody and Tatiana, this girl is trynna hit on every guy here" she said, I could feel her crunching her nose in disgust. I let out a laugh.

"Wasn't she with Ryder?" I asked confusion clear in my voice.

"I don't know, I think she was but she came back" she paused "isn't he with you?"

"No" I replied simply. "I'm going out see you" I said hanging not giving her a chance to respond because I know she's going to beg me to stay.

I take my surfboard under my arm and start jogging down stairs, because that lift is seriously so scary.
I'm walking down the road eager to get to the beach. I finally and I mean Finally made my way to the sand I take my surfboard and run straight to the dark sea. No one is there, just me. It's dark, really dark.
I am starting to regret this idea, but then I wanna prove Ryder wrong.
So I take a deep, deep breath and lay my surfboard onto the water. I start by lying on it (which wasn't difficult) - at least that's what I saw them doing on TV.
And this is when I regret getting here in the middle of the night:
I am about to climb on the board when suddenly I slip. You may think it's okay but no it's not. I'm in the middle of the sea where my petite frame can't feel the sand beneath my feet. I suddenly forget how to swim. Panic rushes over my body and horror fills me.
I think I'm going to sink, when warm muscular arms wrap around my waist and pulls me towards the surface of the sea,
My long hair floating on the water,  I look up in heavy breaths and in the dim darkness I can make out the concerned look on Ryder's face. His wet hair fall perfectly on his forehead, even soaking wet he still managed to look good.

"What are you doing?" he asked with tender. 

"I was trying to surf" I said in heavy breathes. I don't know why I'm out of breath is it because of the accident? Or because his hands feels warm on my waist and his face is so close to mine?

"I was going to teach you".

"Yeah. You Were going to teach me, but you went out with Tatiana".

He lets out a soft chuckle before responding "I wasn't with Tatiana for nothing" I stare at him for a moment "come on you'll see what I mean"

After swimming to the beach, Ryder gets a towel and wrap it around me pulling me closer to him. I could feel his muscles tense when I touch him and his minty breath brushing my face. His blue eyes look straight into mine not leaving me for a second. I'm not a big fan of eye contact but I keep this one going. We edge closer to each other and for a moment I think I'm going to faint. My cheeks turn bright red which I hope he doesn't see in the darkness. My heart beat accelerates and I pray he doesn't hear them pounding on my rib cage, I think my heart is going to fall off. He gets closer and closer and when his lips are about to touch mine he pulls me even closer if that's possible and whispers in my ear.
"Played you" before getting off and walking forward.

What a jerk!

I follow him then because I have no other choice but going with him since I don't have a ride home and it's too dark outside. His hand slip around my neck and onto my shoulders. We walk and walk and walk. You get it.

We stop infront of cabin lit up with yellow lights who then turns red and then blue.
What is he up to?

He opens the door and....

"SURPRISE!!!!" Alisha screamed jumping on me which cause me to loose my balance but Ryder steadied me.

I totally forgot about my birthday..... oh my god!

"Happy birthday sunshine" he whispers sending shivers down my spine.

Even Tatiana and Baily are here. Wait what?!?!

"Happy birthday....?" Tatiana said a bit unsure of herself.

"Thanks" I chuckle. I didn't know she would be a decent person.

"Happiest birthday Em" Brody comented hugging me. I can feel Ryder's eyes trail up and down our bodies.

"Who did all of this?" I asked once I pulled off. They all pointed at Ryder as a respond and I can't help but smile. My cheeks hurt from smiling but I just can't stop.

He shruged "don't mention it"

"LET'S PARTY" Alisha yelled beaming at us.

Great, she's all ready drunk....

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