Chapter 7// challenges

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A/N: enjoyyy!!!

"Is this a challenge Mr. Ryder?" I teased.

"Well if you say so"
I crunched his hair through my fingers and pressed my lips against his, feeling a small smirk curving his lips. Taking in his vanilla scent, I make my way down to his neck, hearing a groan from the bottom of his throat. Feeling the warmth of his body radiate onto me, my lips find his again causing me to escape a small moan I've been holding for too long.


"To be continued" he said teasingly smirking.

I trail off his grip looking over his shoulder at the sound of the doorbell.

"I'll get it" he rushes to the door and gets the food.

"Man! You haven't eaten in days! Chill, I would like some too" he said taking his burger out of the white box. "I thought you didn't want to eat"

"Well now I'm hungry and I would like to enjoy my burger" I replied smugly.

"If you're hungry then you can eat this-"

"Burger" I continued cutting him off his immature and dirty sentence.

"The school trip will be for two years now, and since it's a long term we will be ranting you appartements, each two together but we will be choosing them for now, all you have to do is get along in order to make sure that everyone is pleased, and one mistake you're officially kicked out" the principal announce as I looked at Alisha shocked. " you can all go now" he continues.

"I hope my roommate is hot" Alisha comments leaving the office with me tagging beside her. Unlike me Alisha is the type of girl who likes to flirt with every guy, not like she's a slut but she's confident and I'm the complete opposite.

After a long day of trailing my suit case to school, we were now at the airport.
Excitement running through my veins.

I sat on the window admiring the view from the airplane who was about to start going up, but someone had to ruin it.

"Ready to live with the hot bad boy" Ryder informed.

"I'm living with you?!" I exclaimed raising my eyebrows up.

"You guessed it princess" he trails.

"No way in hell I'm staying with you for two years"

"Why? Is daddy's little girl afraid of dirty stuff?" He teased pitching his voice failing to resemble mine.


"Yeah we'll see about that, you wouldn't be able to resist me for too long sunshine"
He winks sending me a smirk.

"Well if that's a bet then I'm in to prove you wrong, you'll be the one begging
for me"

Entering the front door of the apartment, I see the first room, there is a light blue couch and arm chair and in the center a wooden coffee table with the TV facing the front. The large window allowed the sunlight to occupy the space, lighting it up.
I throw my bag onto the chair and place my suitcase next to it to fully explore the appartement.
The kitchen is mainly white with blue handles on the drawers. I can actually see myself cooking in there.
The walls in my room are white with a wooden closet and a toilet with a shower.
I hadn't checked Ryder's room so I don't really know how it looks like. But I guess it isn't as different as mine. If you're wondering where his room is, it's opposite to mine.
I quickly unpack my stuff. I hade pinned my bucket list onto the wall, since I'll be here for about two years, why not cross some boxes of my bucket list?
Then I see someone entering my room.

"There is a girl named Alisha who wouldn't stop flirting with me, honestly who can blame her?" He brags resting his shoulder on the doorframe, "anyways she's waiting for you outside"
I sighed, brushing his arm while passing by him without looking over my shoulder.

I reach to the living room where Alisha was standing to the door.

"Come on I need to show you something" she said happily, and with that I scream at Ryder saying I'm going out and shut the door behind me.

Ryder's POV
I take the opportunity to check out her room, it was similar to mine only she had everything packed up, unlike my lazy ass.
I saw her bucket list pinned onto the wall, better check it out maybe I could help her cross some of it. In big bold letters was written:
Bucket list:

1-get detention.
2-get a tattoo
3-learn how to surf
4-go on a boat trip
5-kiss underwater
6-Ryder loose a bet
I smirk to myself, reading the last goal. I could help her cross everything except the last one, me loosing a bet is not happening.

♥︎ Emily's POV ♥︎
Alisha and I have been walking for about twenty minutes now, my legs feels jelly like and I'm at lost of air.
I couldn't walk anymore, my tiny legs couldn't take in any further. I keep on walking lazily with a groan escaping my lips.

"Don't worry we're almost there! I know you'll love it!" She said happily taking my hand pulling me further to the place.
She isn't tired yet? What is she on? 'Cause I would like some too.

We stopped walking and I looked at her in disbelief: there was a small beach and some people who were laying down on the sand.
"See I told you! I know you love to go swimming! And my hot roommate, André told me about this beach near by, so I said why not show you this. We didn't walk all this way for nothing" she chuckles.
I give her a quick 'thank you' hug before trailing her by the hand to the sea.
"There I got two swimsuits with me, you can have one" she added gesturing towards the small changing room far away from the sea "I guess you can go change in there". I gratefully take the swimsuit from her hands and got to the room.
After changing into a completely revealing swimsuit: it was a light pink peachy color with an underwear totally revealing my bums. Typical Alisha. I got out only to see that Ryder, Tatiana and André had decided to join us.

Ryder wolf-whistle at me not making any attempt on hiding his awed expression.

"Hot damn!" He complemented, gaining a warning look from Tatiana, an eye roll from André and a smirk from Alisha.

"Yeah I know" I replied looking at the pair of Ryder and Tatiana.

A/N: what will happen next?
Find out in the next chapter of TGATB!!! Much loveee <3 <3

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