Chapter 2.1

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Chapter 2.1

Aminat was getting more and more irritated by the annoying whispers and giggles going on in her BETS. They had been driving for about two hours and the flirting between Laila and Ty was constant. It was driving Aminat insane. She sighed loudly, yet again, as Laila turned almost completely around in her seat and leaned over into the back. Aminat couldn't hear exactly what Ty was whispering to her baby sister but whatever it was, it made her cheeks stain a semi-permanent pink. She had to admit that it was really cute but there were much more pressing things that she had to think about.

How long are we supposed to stay out here? What's the deal with Muniz? How powerful is he really? How can I stop him when I promised to take care of Tiffany? How sick is Tiffany? If we're able to help will we get attached? Could we ever leave? Could we ever leave them behind...?

She sighed and rubbed her forehead as she felt the beginnings of a huge migraine come on. Lord, what am I gonna do? She asked herself. Before she could return to her inner turmoil again, Laila broke into yet another loud giggle. Aminat had enough.

"Listen here love birds, I know you two just met and would love nothing more than to get to know each other right now. But you seriously have to stop it with the whispering and the giggling and the googly eyes. It's literally making me sick."

"Sorry Aminat. I can't help it when I'm around such a beautiful girl." Ty said. Aminat saw him wink at Laila through her rearview mirror. Laila blushed instantly and smiled a cute smile at him.

"Okay ewww. Seriously, stop it before I pull over and puke." Ty and Laila laughed at her, but she didn't see anything funny.

"Okay sorry. I promise we'll be good." Ty says and Laila nods her head in agreement, even turning back around to face the front, even though the tale-tale blush in her cheeks was still there.

"Good." Aminat said turning her attention back to the path.

"So Aminat, how old are you?" Ty asks from behind her.

"Old enough." She said rudely earning her a jab in her side from Laila. "Ow!" She whisper yelled at her sister.

"Sorry for her rudeness Ty." Laila said giving Aminat a pointed look. "She can be really barbaric sometimes but Minat's going to play nice with the other children, isn't she?" She said giving Aminat the eye. The look that says 'Be - nice - or - I'll - stab - you - in - the - eye".

Aminat sighed. "Fine I'll be nice." She told her sister in an overly sweet voice. "I'm 15."

"Really? I thought you were younger than Laila." He said offhandedly.

"Why would you think that?" She asked him curiously.

"You're smaller and more hot-headed." He said matter of fact-ly.

"Yeah well, height skipped me and I'm hot-headed because I have to be." He just nodded in response to her. "So how old are you Ty?" Aminat asked with an edge of irritation in her voice.

"I turn 23 in 3 months."

"Damn you're old." She said before she could stop herself, earning her another jab in the side. "Sorry." she said sheepishly.

"No it's okay." He said with a smile. "And I'm not THAT old. Just a few years older than you." He said.

Before she could rein her tongue in the words had already escaped her mouth. "You do know that Laila's only 13." She said cursing herself when the hurt look crossed her sister's face.

"Shit. Sorry.... Laila bug I di-" She stammered only to be cut off by Ty.

"Yeah I know how old she is. But what about Romeo and Juliet? Juliet was 13 too." He said smiling at Laila in the mirror. Ty struck a sweet spot with her little sister, Romeo and Juliet just happened to be her favorite book. She returned his smile and her eyes showed gratitude. Aminat chose to keep her mouth shut about the fact that both died...

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