Chapter 1.2

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******Thanks for the Votes and the Comments and the Advice last chapter : ) It meant a lot. Let's see If we can keep it up...

Chapter 1.2 

She felt like death. The Grimm Reaper at it's finest. The first kill is always the hardest. She remembered her father telling her in one of his harsher lessons. But you take it in stride and move on to the next.

Aminat looked down at the blood that covered her body from head to toe. I should probably feel bad about killing these men, she thought, but I don't. I don't feel anything. You trained me too well daddy. She thought bitterly.

She heard quick foot steps rounding the corner. They weren't soft enough to be Laila's or Loud enough to be her father's so that left Jabari.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Jabrai asks as he enters the room, shirtless of course with snoopy Pajama pants on. His curly brown hair was pointing every way but the right one and he looks absolutely livid, as if she'd just woken him up out of the best dream ever. He took in her appearance and came closer to his little sister, looking her over for injuries.

"What does it look like?" She said snatching her thin arm away from him and gesturing to the three bodies at her feet.

"You?" he asks in awe. She lifts her head and gives him a look of pure sarcasm. "No shit Sherlock."

"Way to go baby sis!" He says and she smiles lightly at him. They bump fists as if they've been best friends forever.

"Thanks bro."

"How did they get in here?" He asks looking down at them appreciating her work.

"Well, there's a big ass gash in the wall. But my guess is that they flew in here on wee little invisible unicorns powered by rainbow dust found at the end of me rainbow." She said with a horrible Irish accent, sarcasm dripping from her every word, earning her a smirk from her older brother.

"Okay smart ass." He says laughing. "What do we do with them?"

"I don't know."

"Well you go tell dad and I'll start cleaning up."

"Kay." She said and went to their father's bedroom.

She raised a hand and knocked, hesitantly, three times. Her father didn't like to wake up very early, ever since her mother died. He used to wake up at the crack of dawn, but not anymore.

There was a gruff and a sigh and then finally a 'come in'. She opened the door to hear a gasp and instantly her Father was out of the bed and looking down at her.

"What the hell happened to you? How could you be so stupid as to get hurt you silly girl?" He asked checking her arms legs for injuries. Jesus Christ! Why does something always have to happen to me? Can't a girl just be covered in blood? She thought to herself.

"Nothing." She says snatching her arm away from his scrutiny. "Follow me." She said and walked out of the room, leading her father to where the bodies and her brother were.

"You did this?" He asks Aminat. She lifted her chin looking him in the eye and nods. He smirks and ruffles her hair like a proud Papa, but never makes a genuine move that leans toward happiness. He never smiled. A smirk or a frown is all the expression his children ever got the pleasure of seeing.

She gave him a genuine smile regardless. "Thanks dad."

"So what do we do with the bodies?" Jabari asks coming to stand in front of them.

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