Chapter 4-Makka pakka's view

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Wow, I'm so happy, Upsy Daisy finally noticed me- Why am I like this!

Yesterday she broke up with Iggle piggle after we bravely chased him off, he was in her bed- I mean, I thought everyone knew that she gets super mad if anyone even touches her bed.

So maybe I have a chance of winning her love, unless Iggle piggle manages to win her back with his empty promises or with some dumb rebellious act. I can't compete with that, I can't be a daredevil like him- It's just a matter of time before he comes back and she forgives him and then I'll be the lonely one again.

I polish my stone collection nervously, deep in thought-when it comes to me.
I have a plan!, I hug one of my rocks, thanking it for inspiring me of this great idea.

If I couldn't be rebellious like iggle piggle then I would do something impressive that I could easily do.

So I will get to work.

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