Chapter 1-Makka Pakka's view

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I stare out to the garden from my lonely ditch to gaze on her. She is with him again, the rebel, of course she will never want me-the short, fat guy when she had him-the bad boy, who goes out on his own in a boat across the sea and breaks the curfew on bedtime every night.

I sigh and try to take my mind off the horrible truth that as long as he is there she will never want me.I take my sponge from my trusty tricycle-oh how I love my tricycle, it is the only thing that truly understands my lonely existence- and clean my stone collection,my prize possession.

I am proud of my stone collection. I make my stones gleam and sparkle in the sun like diamonds, all two hundred and thirty eight of them. I build it up throughout the years of having no one, being a loner, I have nothing better to do after all. I sometimes take the ninky nonk with the tombliboos-although i'm not that keen on them, I've heard stories that they're trousers have fallen off before and they are always kissing each other, they always gossip about me and make up mindless rumours- such as that I am creating an evil plan to take over the night garden and destroy it all. Seriously, how on Earth could they think that about me when I try my very hardest to be kind to them.

This brings me back to upsy daisy, she is always kissing iggle piggle. I don't know what she sees in him, he is so arrogant- he is always planning night parties and I am never invited, as usual-I never am.Does upsy daisy even know I'm alive? She doesn't come around my house at all or ask me to come along to parties. Sure, I wash her face with my sponge from time to time ; I'm sure she doesn't really want to talk to me but just tolerates me being in the background of their love.

I watch them again.

Ugh, I hate that iggle piggle.

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