Chapter Three: The Rules

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A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks so much for all your lovely comments and votes, they really are what make me want to keep going and updating for you guys! This chapter was ENORMOUS, so I did a little editing and turned it into two smaller chapters, which means you'll get an update sooner. The next one should be up around Thursday and Friday so in the meantime please leave me lots of good comments telling me what you think and what you like and don't like (politely please) and I'll be sure to take all of that into account! For now, sit back and enjoy some Troyler sweetness.

- Troye’s POV -

I woke up the next morning after only a few hours of sleep. I probably wouldn’t have slept at all if it weren’t for the jet lag. My stomach was already a huge ball of nerves and I felt slightly sick to my stomach.

I had no idea what Tyler was planning for today, but I knew there was the possibility that I would no longer be a virgin by the end of it. As much as I trusted Tyler and as much as I really did want this to happen, I couldn’t help but be nervous. What if I embarrassed myself? What if I didn’t know what to do? What if I wasn’t good enough for him? 

That’s why you’re doing this with Tyler, I reminded myself. So you won't feel this way with Stephen when the time comes. The worst thing that could happen with Tyler was that I would embarrass myself. I wouldn’t be losing the opportunity for my first real relationship.

I tried to block out all my insecurities, focusing on getting ready. I spent extra time on my appearance, wanting to look as attractive as I could today, for my own confidence as much as for Tyler. As I was finishing up my hair routine, I heard my phone vibrate loudly on the bathroom counter. I jumped and turned white. Tyler. I fumbled for my phone with trembling hands and opened his text which simply said:

I’m parked outside when you’re ready.

I laughed shakily to myself. Ready for what exactly? I quickly grabbed my sunglasses, my wallet, and a pack of chewing gum, popping a piece in my mouth. I looked around the room before I left. I had cleaned it because I wasn’t sure if we would be coming back here later or going to his place. Finally, I took a deep breath and locked up. I walked out into the car park towards Tyler’s car, feeling incredibly self-conscious and overly aware of my body. I really hoped I looked ok. I was felt slightly shaky and willed myself to calm down.

When I neared the car, Tyler suddenly flung open the driver’s door and stuck his head out, craning around to see me and yelling, in a perfect imitation of Regina George, “Get in loser, we’re going shopping!”

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding in a surprised laugh. I quickened my pace a little and slid into the passenger’s seat, a smile creeping onto my face as I turned to face Tyler. It was amazing how he managed to put me at ease with one little joke, as nervous as I was. It reminded me why he was the one I was doing this with.

Tyler was grinning at me from the driver’s seat, seemingly completely relaxed. 

“Morning boo.”

“Morning,” I said, grateful to ease into our usual routine of teasing and endearments.

Tyler started driving and I found myself staring surreptitiously at his arms. Even though Tyler and I were just friends now, there had been a time, before we met and into the start of our friendship, when I had a bit of a crush on him. Another reason I felt good about asking Tyler to help me with this was that I really was genuinely attracted to him. Even though we weren’t together and I didn’t have romantic feelings for him, I certainly wouldn’t have to fake attraction. I only hoped that he found me at least half as attractive as I found him. I tugged self-consciously at the sleeves of my t-shirt, pulling them further down over my skinny arms.

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